Overbridge for windows 7

Is there any chance of overbridge happening for Windows 7 users? Whilst I enjoy AR, A4 mk2 s, and more recently Digitone I can’t find any information supporting this promised software. Thanks

Overbridge works fine on Windows 7, just takes a little workaround to install the drivers. There’s a big thread about it, should come up if you search, solutions are inside.

Hi Anfim, My search only yields a myriad of disgruntled punters with a whole bunch of issues. I presume you’re referring to the beta version. Could you send me a link to the thread? Thanks G


So far as I can see the Overbridge sites windows 10/mac os as the only supported systems. Why is this? There is absolutely no way I’d consider win 10 as a platform for music creation (or anything else). :roll_eyes:
My w7 easily exceeds requirements for overbridge.
I’ve bought the hardware, why can’t elektron keep their word?

that is why …

windows 7 is dead. no developer will waste time for a dead system.

After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Windows 7. Now is the time to upgrade to Windows 10.