Overbridge 2

Sweet, I’ll try that

Great, thank you Elektron!

Exactly. Overbridge has been amazing for recording and general DAW integration. And I absolutely love Total Recall. For the DT, sample management is also tremendous…it so speeds up the workflow.

Yet for both the DT and the DN, I find sound management is still quite a bit easier to do on the hardware. In OB, just seeing names makes it total guesswork, or a ton of clicks to load/test/dispose. It seems crazy to me that you can’t audition sounds first in OB. Maybe there’s some hardware constraint that prevents it?


Been using the OB beta with my DT for a long time, and it’s been indispensable for my workflow.

Congratulations! I’m clapping, and I hope you can hear me somehow slight_smile:

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Amazing news!
I’m seamlessly overwhelmed :see_no_evil:
Thank you Elektron!!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Overbridge 2.0.37: tech discussion

WOOOOO! :clap:t6::clap:t6::partying_face:

Congrats! Stoked. :+1:t6:

Awesome news!

However, I did like the unpolished/rough side of loading beta software. Made me feel like a badass.
Please keep that going.

Thanks Elektron team!

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They have said repeatedly this will never happen :frowning:


Yeah, i know. :frowning:
I will use it for my analog 4 though so I will get use out of it there…
I will download it today and see how it works.


Well done:nerd_face::nerd_face:

Hahaha „months“ is good. Bought Digitakt two and a half years ago and it was written on the package…

The release says many months. You’ve got what it says on the package now, and hopefully have programmed lots of nice patterns in those two and a half years to now record in via OB2.

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An the Winner for Understatement of 2020 is … :smiley:


Thank you!

The last Beta works super well for me, so may stick with that.

Great work Elektron.

Excellent. So happy with a hardware unit that i can use on my :couch_and_lamp: and take away to my studio environment, plug in and record as multitrack vst with fx’s of personal taste. Good job :+1:

You did it Elektron!!!

Congratulations :partying_face:

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The Discuss link says : Access Denied.


The referred topic had its name changed to make it clear it was different to this news topic. The op link is now fixed.

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