Overbridge 2.7.3 not working for 1.70


I got loads of problems with my Analaog Rytm (No audio sound appearing time to time, impossible to save current project and calibration problem) due to the 1.70 update… I did change the CPUs and RAMs with Elektron 2 months ago, so the brain of the machine is like brand new.

Now Overbridge stop working… I’m a MAC user with Overbridge 2.7.3. The Analog Rytm (1.70) is visible on the Overbridge Control Panel, Midi is launching with Ableton but not visible on the Overbridge plug-ins! (It’s also visible on Transfer)

What should I do ? I try re-installing multiple time…


I just installed Overbridge 2.7.3, and no issue here with my Analog Rytm (1.70).

So it must be something specific to your system I’m affraid.

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*"I’m having similar issues, all machines and software are updated to the latest. *
I’m on a Mac Sonoma 14.4.1

*Before I updated Overbridge last night, my Analog Keys running 1.51 would not make sound in Ableton through OB. However the OB Control Panel, and Ableton see it as an available device. *
*My RYTM running 1.70 worked with that version of OB. *

*I figured I should update everything and I did. *
*Now no sound from the RYTM, but the Keys works great. *

Did anyone find a resolve to this?"

Nevermind, after re installing RYTM 1.70 with the lastest Transfer, restarting Live a couple times, and reading another thread saying to rescan plug ins, now everything is working as expected.
Overbridge is so freaking amazing when it’s working smoothly. :metal: :heart:

Well now the RYTM is no longer getting audio.
Hopefully just posting this here will magically make the mojo come back :crossed_fingers:t2:

Now the RYTM works but not the keys, sheesh
I WILL make progress