Overbridge 2.7.3 and Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 issues? Anyone else?

That’s great news, glad you got it sorted, I’ll try it out later. Elektron support still haven’t got back to me for weeks, but this looks promising :slightly_smiling_face:

Damn, just tried the same steps, but I get nothing showing up as a system extension, it says 0.

Glad you got it working though :+1:

ah, dang! sorry to hear… Bummer!
I couldn’t believe this was actually my issue.
I still think it had to do with me migrating from an older Time Machine build.

Maybe you’ll hear something soon from them, now that their holiday break is over. Good luck!

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Wahey! :partying_face:

Just installed the latest Sonoma update, which rebuilt the system extensions, and now Overbridge installs correctly!

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Fantastic!!! :cowboy_hat_face:

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