Overbridge 2.0 Public Beta - Plugins, Drivers and Firmware

Working fine in Windows 7 here. To make the drivers work in Windows 7 or 8 you have to boot up with driver signature checks disabled. This is different from test mode. Only disabling driver signature checks made it work for me.


Iā€™m wondering this as well as I like to work in 44.1.

OK I tired at 48 16, pops and clciks. Tried at 48 24, recorded perfectly. So it seems to only work at these settings for me. No idea why. I prefer 44.1 16.

Man this is incredible, iā€™ve got Rytm sending tracks to VCV rack then back into Ableton where the whole mix gets sent to AH.

My old 2011 MBP with 4GB ram is struggling when I add a bunch of FX, but iā€™m stoked to see it running smooth as eggs! Guess itā€™s finally time to invest in a better laptop.


I have the same issue - only Tracks L/- appear in the dropdown menu for both A4 and Digitakt. I thought it was on purpose, but now Iā€™m worried something is off. Tried uninstall+install 3 times, still same.

I thought this was because all digitakt sounds are mono (therefore they default to the left channel) however the volume is really low so maybe it is a bug?

Having problems with the AK synchronising patches. Iā€™m not seeing any of the patches from the +drive and even the kit patches are not loading or changing with the kits.

ā€¦iā€™ve been so caught up in just sorting my samples and using the editor i didnā€™t have one thought of vcv, eurorack or reaktor :astonished:

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the interface is better imho, setting up scenes and performance and audio recordings not requiring a daw

Is this for real? Canā€™t believe no one has mentioned this until now if so! Going to investigate and try to get working on Win 7.


What does it mean by Overbridge Beta? Itā€™s a test version with possible bugs? Not an official release, but still works as Overbridge?



I didnā€™t know I was still able to update OS from win8 to 10 for free. (Shouldve done it a while back)

I was able to run the digitakt editor
But I havenā€™t plugged In the digitakt to test thatā€¦
Anything I should know going in?
Now if only I could get my reason app working by itself as it stopped working weeks ago and support gave me a work around thatā€™s not working either for asioā€¦ hopefully that doesnā€™t affect overboi

Itā€™s been in permanent beta since 2015 and theyā€™ve promised a working release for almost 4 years. Donā€™t get your hopes up.


Actually there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. Things have moved along fairly quickly since the beginning of the private beta and the public beta is already working nicely for a lot of people.

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Wait, to clarify, even other projects are overwritten? So total recall saves the state of the entire device, other projects and the whole +drive included?

could you plz explain how you did this or provide a link you used !?

When you connect your device with a newer project than the one in your daw, you will be asked if you want to use the DAW version, the version on the device, or leave it as is. If you choose to use the daw version , then yes your new work on the device will be lost.

If you choose to use the deviceā€™s project it will overwrite the project in the DAW. Which is what you would choose in this case.

Of course you can always save an extra backup on the device before proceeding when you test this functionality :slight_smile:

I save copies versions of projects when changing a lot of things so I can always roll back in case a brown substance hits the fan.

:joy: :rofl: are you for real dude? i think itā€™s time for you to get a new OS, win95 is long gone, you donā€™t even get updates for this antiquity. very surprised anyone would still use it for music productionā€¦


There are a few ways to get Windows to ignore driver signatures, the easiest is to enter the boot menu with F8 when you boot up your computer. Select ā€œdisable driver signature enforcementā€ in the menu and start up normally. You may have to reinstall OB and youā€™ll have to start Windows with checks disabled each time you want to use OB. There are ways to make it more permanent like editing group policies or setting boot flags.

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