Oto Machines BIM and BAM midi CC troubles

Issue is resolved. Denis gave me another version of the Syx file and the upgrade went through. I looked at the two files on the website and the version he gave and they seem identical. I wonder if the version on the page just might not be compatible with my model. Oh well if you can’t upgrade your BIM with 1.3 contact Denis through support. This Thru mode sounds amazing. If you are gonna drive the signal make sure your source is about -20DBFs then drive it on the BIM to have the headroom. Also if you want the texture of the drive but want it to be subtle drop the mix knob to 70-80%.


Ah that’s great! :slight_smile: I haven’t tried the thru mode yet, as i do saturation on the AH, but now I’m getting curious! :smiley:

PS. Glad you solved the issue! Denis helped me as well, he’s a super nice guy.

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Yeah, I don’t think my delay or reverb unit is sync’d visually tbh. But I’m unsure if even my elektron boxes do that?

The light should blink at the same interval, but not necessarily at the same time, I believe?

A post was merged into an existing topic: OTO Machines FX - BIM BAM BOUM