OT screen too bright? Try this

Was feeling a little blinded by the OT screen during late night sessions. Grabbed a little blackout sheet called LightDims on Amazon, you cut it to size and stick. Results are very satisfying. Two pics, first with the machine off, second switched on. Didn´t take a before pic but there´s a pretty big difference in brightness. Maybe too dim for a club situation? But it´s fixed my issue in the studio.


I was having the same problem, the screen is too bright for my eyes if I’m playing it in a dark room.

Yes, I play with my OT with all the lights off…

I tried the screen cover you recommended and it works great! :+1:

I found it surprisingly difficult to cut a straight line even using a razor blade and straight edge.

I eventually realized that I can’t see the uneven edges in the dark and I think I can be ok with that… I take it off if I’m in a room with light so i can see the screen better and the edges don’t drive me crazy.

They do make the screen a bit blurry, but it’s not too bad, and since the screen is much dimmer I can look at it for longer in the dark without getting sore eyes.

Thanks for the tip! :grin:

I’ve glued them on Rytm and A4 and they save my eyes from sunburn, thx for the hint :sunglasses:

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