OT Requests Now That We Have Elektron Contribution?

OK so now the forum is more official, could we get some direct feedback on some suggestions for future OT features?

Top of my list still:

1) expose more of the parameters on FX setup pages to be p-lockable and modulate-able. At the very least get all of the Filter parameters exposed. They are just way too useful to be hidden away!

2) make copy and paste patterns more live friendly*

I have two ideas for this.

a) Implement a “Clone Pattern” function that brings up a scrollable list of Patterns for you to select as a copy destination for the currently playing pattern. Patterns with trig data could be marked with an asterisk or something. When you execute the clone function, the current pattern is pasted to the destination on and then the destination one becomes the next playing pattern. This enables you to build variations on-the-fly

b) While playing, perform the function to copy the current pattern (the existing button combo will do). Then select a new pattern to play. Before the new pattern starts hit the button combo for Paste Pattern and the copied pattern (current one) will be pasted into the new pattern. Thus when the new pattern plays it will be a smooth transition, again enabling you to build variation on-the-fly.

That solution will confuse so many people…
Make a supercopy menu, kinda like the monomachine…
press function+copy longer… menu appears… do what ever options
1 of them should be copy pattern to other pattern and play it"
select that option… and select a pattern or a bank+pattern.
then again… i am not sure my solution is better then yours… just less confusing.
scrolling through a patternlist (like your first option) sounds a bit tedious. and arguably so is mine…
not sure i need it myself… but i think i would use it once i got used to it…

neil’s #2 is definitely my number one. at risk of overloading the thread right off the bat, here are a bunch of mine…

-option to preserve any new scenes you made since last save when you reload a part
-scene record mode where you can make scene locks without holding the scene button down

-ability to append/add on to a recorder buffer
-streamlined/batch naming when saving all recorder buffers

-MIDI track presets and CC naming
-transpose trig mode

-option for free playing tracks to continue playing when switching to a new pattern. also trig track by hitting track+play so you don’t have to be in track trig mode to use free play
-mute trigs

-copy tracks without trigs
-MIDI control over the mixer page

That solution will confuse so many people…
Make a supercopy menu, kinda like the monomachine…
press function+copy longer… menu appears… do what ever options
1 of them should be copy pattern to other pattern and play it"
select that option… and select a pattern or a bank+pattern.
then again… i am not sure my solution is better then yours… just less confusing.
scrolling through a patternlist (like your first option) sounds a bit tedious. and arguably so is mine…
not sure i need it myself… but i think i would use it once i got used to it…

  1. Hold Function+ Copy for a few seconds (like Super Copy)
  2. Trig keys turn into Pattern indicators: red = pattern has trig data, green (or unlit) means pattern is empty
  3. Hit the Trig that corresponds to the pattern number you’d like to clone the currently playing patter to.
    This would limit the ‘clone’ to a Bank but the flow is quick and simple.

This is a little something I’d like to see but is not the most important thing.
Chords in the Arp. The Arp in the MIDI tracks is great but there is no chord function to make those stabby chord patterns that I and one other person might like.

Live seamless pattern copying is my number one at the moment…

I thought of FUNCTION + double click on COPY, copys the pattern and then upon switching to another pattern (which wouldnt have to be right away)…it pastes the “double clicked” pattern into the selected slot …this would allow the flexibility of both the question of
“WHEN do I copy my pattern”

and “WHERE will I place my pattern”

with a button combination that doesnt need to menu navigate and scroll
( it is always preferable in realtime performance to learn the button combinations rather than HAVE to look at the screen whilst trying to perform an action)

My Second request would be to find a way to
quantize the shortening of a pattern via the Function+Scale Select button,

my problem is thus

I can programme a pattern (with all tracks linked ) and then hold Function and the Scale Setup key to multiply this pattern out , this happens seamlessly between 16 and 32, 32 and 48 and 48 and 64 which is very useful for quickly making the base elements of a pattern in realtim and then extending it to add longer phrases…BUT…

If would like the ability to CONTRACT the pattern from 64 to 16 via a further press of the Funtion+Scale Selct button. and this transition to happen On the beat (to keep it in sync during live performance)

at the moment the issue is it jumps back instantly, throwing the beat off. I am sure this could be gotton around with a simple quantizing of the action so that it falls on the same beat and bar as would be playing on the pattern you are exiting

As an even simpler solution it could just quantize to the end of the bar?

My OT wishlist:

  • When Track 8 is a master track, the Track Recorder still works for it.

  • An option for Scenes to be Project wide instead of only per Part.

  • Different keyboard trigger modes (Slots, Chromatic, Slices, etc) didn’t result in the “tiny knobs” view. I find the Tracks view the best option for seeing my parameters playing live, but that’s the one Trigger mode I need the least.

  • Effects Slots 1 and 2 on Track 8 in Master mode become send effects for the other 7 tracks.

Oooh and my third wish…if the genie is granting them …

In Chromatic mode, can we have some simple scales options, like in the A4 and lots of IOS apps…

just Major and Minor would do with Root Note select, but throw in some Pentatonic or even better the ability to design and save scales and I would be a VERY happy "in the box " musician !!

Yes! I’d like to see this in the ARP too…

Pickup Machine: Please fix the behavior of slave pickup machines. Sometimes I get a REC MEM FULL even though I didn’t record 16 sec. Sometimes overdub does not work as expected even in ONE2 mode. My latest attempt at a workaround is to set Dynamic Recorders=YES instead of the default NO but time will tell if it works. I have also set LEN=X1 (same as the master pickup machine instead of double as advised in the tutorial) to cut down on confusion.

The other items on my wish list list: Give us a quicker way to slice audio and assign the slices to triggers. Currently it takes 8 steps to do this.

Alternatively, please make “Create Slice Grid”, selection of slice grid size, and Create Random Locks all accessible by MIDI CC/Note Number. Then I can at least script these functions from Lemur or other MIDI controller.

That solution will confuse so many people…
Make a supercopy menu, kinda like the monomachine…
press function+copy longer… menu appears… do what ever options
1 of them should be copy pattern to other pattern and play it"
select that option… and select a pattern or a bank+pattern.
then again… i am not sure my solution is better then yours… just less confusing.
scrolling through a patternlist (like your first option) sounds a bit tedious. and arguably so is mine…
not sure i need it myself… but i think i would use it once i got used to it…

  1. Hold Function+ Copy for a few seconds (like Super Copy)
  2. Trig keys turn into Pattern indicators: red = pattern has trig data, green (or unlit) means pattern is empty
  3. Hit the Trig that corresponds to the pattern number you’d like to clone the currently playing patter to.
    This would limit the ‘clone’ to a Bank but the flow is quick and simple.
    I like this. It would come in handy.

I would also really like incoming midi to continue to send midi data out to the last active midi track while not in midi mode.

+1000000 to both of these. Sends would be incredible tbh.

perhaps better for another thread, but you can kind of fudge making T8 a send. use studio mode and route everything to the cues like you normally would to the mains, and then you can use the mains level as a ‘send’ level.

edit: obv does not work if you need to use the cues for something else (like I usually do, so fully functional send tracks would be awesome)…

  • MIDI mode for slices, slots.
  • Assignable velocity/keytracking control
  • More than +/- 1 octave pitch range. +/- 2 or 3 would be much better. Ditching the extra decimal would make this easier - if I really want finer tuning I can use a static LFO or something.

Apart from the obvious integration of Scenes into midi.
My number one request would be :

  • Allow assigning of tempo per Bank. I use 1 Bank per song. so this allows tempo change from song to song without having to dial it in on the fly (and memorise tempos of each song.

Here’s my wish list:

Copy/paste pattern without changing the playing pattern (as already mentioned)

Root key setting for samples
In the sample settings, so when you play a C in chromatic mode or with a MIDI keyboard you actually hear a C

Different tempo for patterns (or at least banks)
This would make it a lot easier to work with a whole performance in one project, so you don’t have to remember the tempos of the different songs and enter them during your performance.

Furthermore, it would make it a lot easier to merge projects with different tempos without everything getting time streched.

Better tap tempo options
Make a personalize option were you can select the behavior of the tempo button so it can have two behaviors, so you can tap the tempo without using both hands:

Behavior 1:
Function + tempo = tap tempo
tempo = go to tempo menu

Behavior 2:
Function + tempo = go to tempo menu
tempo = tap tempo

MIDI note/cc support for ‘tap tempo’ would also be nice.

Better settings when using four mono inputs instead of two stereo inputs:

  • Individual “DIR”-settings for each input in the mixer menu (e.g. turning data entry knob b changes DIR-setting for input A, pressing function/cue and turning entry knob b changes the DIR-setting for input B…)

  • Individual noise gate setting for each input

Noise gate settings per part/bank/pattern:
This would be very useful for people using the OT for vocals. E.g. if you have a verse with whispering vocals you don’t want any noise gate, but in the chorus with screaming vocals with lots of delay you need the gate to avoid feedback…

One more :slight_smile:

Make it possible to make envelopes retrig with the “RTRG” parameter
Both the amp and effect envelopes

Oh man. Hell yes. And especially for HOLD LFOs. Although it is kinda nice to have the amp be per-step sometimes. Maybe a behavior switch (like the one just added for the reverb mix control) in the setup menu would do the trick.
Oh man this would open up all kinds of fun tricks…

me again…would it be possible to allow a user to save a default project state for the OT to always load from upon power up automatically?

At the moment I turn on my OT and what is loaded up is what ever I was playing before I turned the unit off…I woud rather the OT loaded my own (in my case blank project) starting point every time rather than some random end of my previous improvisation…its not a big thing, it would just save me always having to go dive into the setup menu to “go back” to my prefaired saved set.

i completely understand this might be less preferable to other user, so maybe a tick box for “save as default” or “load last project” options would cover both bases.