This is a thread where it is forbidden to point out that i should read the manual, read the forums, watch the tutorials or learn the hard way. I ain’t got patience for that right now, so if you’ve got the inclination, i’m gonna ask daft questions and you can feel good about helping me out, the way i do on the A4 forum - i don’t answer the most annoying dumb questions so i don’t expect you to do that either ! yhbw
When you have a sample up being edited, is it possible to audition from where the cursor is, ie level encoder ?
Can you prepare samples with slice points in an external program ?
Function + Yes to play
EDIT: while in Edit Page (LFO)
About slice points on external app,
You can’t but…
You can prepare your audio in the way slices are equal sized, and they must be 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, or 64.
Then you can use the function Create Slice Grid on OT.
That’s what i was using. Now, it is doing that, from cursor !!! Hmm it wasn’t before was always starting from the beginning #confused
maybe when it is sliced it behaves differently
[edit] i get it you need to be in SLICE page for the cursor to work that way !
That’s what i was using. Now, it is doing that, from cursor !!! Hmm it wasn’t before was always starting from the beginning #confused
maybe when it is sliced it behaves differently
If you are on Trim page it starts from beginning.
If you are on Edit page it starts from cursor
If you are on Slice page it will start from selected Slice start, note that you can advance slices using cursor keys.
yeah, i’d got that idea straight, with all these sample chains etc - oh well, shame, i feel a diy editor coming on
Many thanks, EDIT page is the place to be for scanning.
Why does it add so much gain to the recordings (12dB) ?
The sample trigs play your recorded/loaded material (9-16), what do the Track trigs trig ?
what are the little running status icons on the Tape reel view, sometimes they’re out of sync ?
Because it is sampled after the master gain. Same reason you can not create mono samples. You can turn down the master volume or route to cue and sample from that to avoid the boost.
don’t know
Eye Candy. Just cause.
Yep edit page is correct.
One of those icons is the sample playback position and one is the recording position, which you can only see if you’re recording something.
It’s a good way to see what’s going on when you are doing stuff like @ 7:29 here:
They will be out of sync if you mess with playback RATE param or retrigger the sample before RLEN is completed. In the case above, the dude made a pattern with lots of trigs of the “crowding problems” sample, including p-locking the sample start. Then he sampled a new recording into that buffer.
That’s when you see the playback head icon really going nuts, trying to get ahead of the recording, but it can’t, while the recording head should just be plowing through its length.
@avantronica, thanks for starting this thread! i’m receiving my octatrack today and sure I will have plenty of “newbie” questions as well!
you will - you will
Here’s an answer of sorts to one of my own
It seems the 12dB is being added the first time i use that track, you see it under ATTR, if i notch the gain back to 0 then try again it’s okay
just need to do this for all tracks once - hopefully not for every project though !
i also see the playhead/ rec head thing but i was initially thrown by different rates/lengths - i know what the likely confusion was now - thanks
the answer to what t1-8 does may lie in the recording mode you are in
here’s a new one - USB noise, is it just me and my setup, but my A4 is silent when connected, but the OT is noisy as f__k when i connect to computer, all other variables the same ! Just very different between A4 and OT, unusably noisy !!
re USB noise… I think in the AF manual it’s mentioned as a feature in the tech specs that USB is shielded from the audio circuits IIRC. (no idea bout OT)…
does your AF slightly hiss when you do a sysex dump via USB though? like not from the audio outputs, but the AF itself? mine does. kinda funny, sounds like the bytes are somehow crafted mechanically. scratch that, it’s the laptop.
1-8 trig the patterns on free playing tracks
Why does it add so much gain to the recordings (12dB) ?
The sample trigs play your recorded/loaded material (9-16), what do the Track trigs trig ?
what are the little running status icons on the Tape reel view, sometimes they’re out of sync ?
i’d say headroom. the OT is designed so that sampling has plenty of headroom to play around. the gain in the sample parameteres (i take it that’s the thing you’re referring to) is applied to compensate for this headroom which in the first place is attained by quieter recording
they trig free playing tracks: in the settings you can ‘unhinge’ (unsync?) the tracks from the sequencer = make them start when you trig them rather than each time when the sequencer starts. that’s where you use track trigs - to manually trig tracks.
on the top is the recording progress indicator and on the bottom - playback progress
cheers, all this stuff makes sense after you’ve had a play, reading the manual blind is a bit pointless, the words go in but it means nothing, it’s coming together, luckily the A4 chops have helped
keen to try the un-hinged stuff
is it just mine or is the screen viewing angle very narrow in comparison to the A4, you really need to tilt it if you’re sat at a desk ?
Please excuse the simple(-ish) questions, if i tried to follow the manual i’d go nuts.
1> Can you copy the recording slot from a Recorder buffer straight into a Static slot - it says all the right things on screen, but does not copy anything into a static slot, it doesn’t even do it in flex - so what’s the workflow boost to move freshly sampled material around ?
2> I’m a bit perturbed by this point, when i sample a 4bar loop of prerecorded music and use a scene with just the Rate set to -64 (ie full reverse) and go back and forth with the fader, i get awful chunks of silence from time to time - this is with FLEX !?! #killsthemood
3> Can’t re-find the bit of the manual which explains what the alternating/toggling lights on Inputs C-D means !
4> Can someone say in one sentence why the 8th track may be better off set permanently as a Master ?
1): no. static needs to play from cf-card. Recorder buffer is just in the RAM.
2) If your recording, the sample cannot be played backwards while the recording is still in process. If the recording is finished playing backwards will work.
3) Did you hit cue+C-D?
4) Some like master-fx, especially with freeze-delay set as master-fx. But many just use 8th track as a regular track.
1): no. static needs to play from cf-card. Recorder buffer is just in the RAM.
2) If your recording, the sample cannot be played backwards while the recording is still in process. If the recording is finished playing backwards will work.
3) Did you hit cue+C-D?
4) Some like master-fx, especially with freeze-delay set as master-fx. But many just use 8th track as a regular track.
just to chime in to #4: setting T8 as master allows processing your entire material onboard. think: compress / lo-fi / reverb / delay - or echo freeze your whole production instead of individual track processing. this is very useful if you DJ with the OT.
if you’d ask me - for production work, it’s way better to stick to having a regular T8 - 8 tracks are always better than 7