FYI…OT can record accurate pitchbend data for retuning synths to microtonal scales. I just ran some tests recording midi and sending it back out to the A4 and DAW. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work because PB is represented with a value of 0-127 on the menu, but it is working well so far. Just ran a Balinese slendro through the A4…OTB only. Sweet!
Nice find o.O
I just read your old message about OT able to (record then) send midi notes with pitch bend in view to achieved microtonal scales to the A4.
I’m very interested and really ignoring the procedure.
I would like to have more details about the pitch bending and more over, the relation between the amount of pitch bend and the “cents” (wich is the key to microtonal scales)
Can you give us more precision about your procedure
Thanks a lot
Hello , just picked up on this thread… very interesting for me. I haven’t delved with the OT before posting to make a guess, but does anyone know what the resolution of the pitchbend is between semitones? Searched the manual and no indication…MIDI looks like NRPM, so should be fine res, but how “fine”?
Then there’s the issue of sending PB / cc before note on.
it sends the standard PB range in CC value… not NRPN
and also its going to be a factor of how the synth patch is setup… since you have 128 steps of pitchbend (or 0 thru 127) - if the bending range on the patch is 2 semitones, then its 64 steps per semitone… but if the bend range is 3 semitones, its 42.6 steps, etc. etc. etc. - btw you can define the range of the bend in the “sound settings” menu
so i guess if you want the most range of microtonality, you will want to set the pitch bend range on the synth patch to 1 semitone…