OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

I have actually been routing my main out as an effect send, so the main level is the send amount, then you can use the cue out as your main output, and the amp volume as an overall volume control. It’s not ideal, but it gets closer.


+1 for CUE PAN

would allow separate send amounts for 2 external fx and really open up the device a lot


I purchased an Octatrack last December and have to say it is an amazing piece of gear. I love it! There are two things that would make it perfect and was wondering if there were plans to introduce these simple features in any upcoming updates:

1. Raise the sample rate to modern specs, at least 48Khz sampling rate. (Though 96Khz would be ideal)
2. Ability to export individual tracks as .wav stems. This seems easy enough to bounce out the tracks, even if just to the memory card, and then be able to transfer them to a computer to further work with them in a DAW.

These two simple things would make the machine absolutely perfect! :slight_smile:

Any chance of these happening?

Thanks so much,

Chad Mossholder

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Hey Chad!

First of all, great work on the Doom soundtrack! Absolutely loved both games, amazing sound design.

Secondly, do you know about the “save all record buffers” option in the record menu? If you hit func + bank with the record menu open it’ll give you the option to save each record buffer at the same time. Give them names for each record buffer you’ve set up and you should have stems for each track, assuming you’ve set each track to record itself. I think they’re in wav by default :).

Not quite the same as a render to wav, but it works similarly.

Edit: I don’t think the 96khz update is possible. There were some talks of the CPU being maxed out. Fingers crossed for a MK3, the octa is a magic bit of gear.


I seriously challenge any human to hear the difference between 44.1khz vs 48/96khz.


Thanks. :pray: Would this work in arrangement mode? I could arrange my sequences and then record each to a record buffer?

The difference becomes apparent when time-stretching or pitch shifting. When the machine has more data to work with, the results sound a lot better. I do all of my sound deisgn in 192Khz using high frequency mics.


off topic but i’m curious…which mics in particular?

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I like the Sanken CO-100k and their new one the CUX-100k



Fantastic mics!


The thing I wonder is how a device like the MPC 4000 could record at 96khz in 2002 but modern devices don’t have that capability. Octatrack is 8 years younger and the MPC Live is 15 years younger and neither go above 44.1khz.

I agree on that but to be honest if i care about hi-fi sound i don’t use OT pitching/time stretching.
I see it as a live machine and in live conditions i don’t think i’ll ever have the sound system able to transduce subtleties of a hi-fi sound.
While converting A/D, a higher rate could be an advantage in terms of audio distortion though.

Commercially speaking i also think it’s an obvious point of compromise to save on rate quality when you balance the ratio cost/benefit.

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I have a feeling we won’t be seeing either of those features implemented. Regarding the sample rate, my guess is different hardware would be needed, but that’s just a guess.

If there’s ever a firmware update I’ll be grateful, but I don’t really expect one. It might just be bug fixes and small quality of life improvements, like that last update with the trig preview for example.

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Yes. With empty RAM (empty buffers, no samples in FLEX slots), you can record up to 8m28s (16bits, stereo only).
You have 8 recorders, so you can record up to 8 x 1m04s (16 bits).

(If you use samples or if you record with good gain staging I think 16 bits is ok.)

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@cmossholder In addition to this, you might find it easier to add “Halt” commands to the arranger so you could record sections of the track in 1 minute blocks, this will stop you overriding the record buffers.

That, or mute 7 recorders, keep one recording in dynamic buffer mode and do 8 recording runs of the project, one for each track. That’ll allow you to record 8~ minute stems. Will take forever, but lets you get one continuous .wav per track (assuming the track is less than 8 minutes) rather than it being segmented into one minute chunks.

Halt to stop recordings ? I don’t think it would work. Halt mute trigs. I’d rather use RESERVE LENGTH, In MEMORY settings.

(Possibilities with midi loopback to start/stop recordings, eventually with 1 midi track controlling all audio tracks set on the same channel.)

Yes, you can even play a midi automation previously recorded and synced to another midi sequencer.
Can be also 2, 4 recordings, whatever.

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I would like the scale feature as available on digitone, i.e. keyboard filter for notes.

I think this just got added with the song mode update, my dude.

Look for keyboard fold and scales in the latest manual :). You might need to update your firmware via elektron transfer.

Yes, on the OT there is no keyboard filter, only major minor notes , but no phyrgian , locrian , dorian etc.

Ah sorry, misread that post. I’d agree it would be nice to have these available, particularly the more exotic scales which don’t conform to standard piano modes like hyperphygrian, blues etc.

You can get phygrian by moving the root note to an E, Dorian by moving the root note to a G etc, but I’d agree that this would be a bit more usable.


can you explain it to me how that works?

I think you refer to this relationship, but what is the logic behind it?

Something like this - i think the binary rotation model you are refering to?


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