OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

CUE levels on scenes would be nuts :peanuts:.

In this area, for what itā€™s worth, Iā€™ve merged a Korg Nanokontrol into my OT midi inputs and now have 8 separate sliders for CUE levels (and 8 knobs for volume), in studio mode. Iā€™ve actually eliminated my outboard mixer from my setup and run everything through OT. Itā€™s pretty good.

That said, studio mode CUE level on scenes would be bonkers.


Not perfect but you can invert MAIN and CUE roles. Use XVOL as main level, XLEVEL as sends.


Crazy reading this here since I just tried to do this yesterday :smile:
It would be very useful.

have CUE on Scene would be great way to arrange a song

But am using Beatstep for mixing/arrange via mute/cues/levels, and it is the jam
16 pads mutes for main track and cues
16 knobs for level of main and cues

Made machine much more fun to use on fly


Iā€™m currently away from my apartment, but Iā€™ll hook my BSP up and give this a shot once I get home. :slight_smile:

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I would love to be able to save parts for loading into different projects.

It would be great for when you want to make a new pattern in a new project with an external synth. And just recalling a part where the midi CC have already been implemented into the midi tracks.


Iā€™d like more decimals for more precise control, in particular for pitch and rate. Currently pitch has one decimal, and rate has none, anyone knows if this is a UI limitation or is it actually internally implemented like this?

I wish (please tell me this is possible and I oversaw itā€¦) I could select wether the master track includes the input direct audio or not.

I use the inputs just for mixing other gear with the OT, and master track includes the audio of the direct inputs. I understand this is useful if you want it to be a 2 buss chain for compression. But I would really want to use the master track only for whatā€™s playing on the OT itself.

Some users make a template project, with several setttings they copy/paste from the last bank for example.

Just in case if you didnā€™t know it, you can use an lfo designer to add a very precise control. (0.2/128 precision for pitch).


Oh, I didnā€™t know you could have finer control using the LFO designer, thatā€™s great, itā€™s probably useful for simulating tape wow and flutter (which was one of the applications I had in mind for finer pitch and rate control).

Designing a random lfo works perfectly for wow and flutter type delay time modulations. :slight_smile:
Been doing that quite often, it sounds so good modulating the OT delay that way^^

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It wouldnā€™t be called master track when you could bypass it on the way to the main outs, would it? Nevertheless: this would be a nice feature.

Everything you send through the cue outs is excluded from going through the master track - not the case with DIR?


I think this is a matter of view. A master track could be perfect as a buss for everything that is being processed in the OT. you can use the inputs for recording, thru machines etc. and this would all be processed through the master track. DIRECT out on the other hand could perfectly well exist next to the paster track without being processed by it. the name ā€œdirect outā€ for me even implies it is not being processedā€¦ For my brain this doesnā€™t make sense, but I am very aware that the OT is not designed for me :slight_smile:
For my setup this is the biggest workflow issue I have with the OT

nope :frowning: and it is also not possible to cue the DIR, which could be a workaroundā€¦ If I wouldnā€™t use the cue outs

It is. :wink:
CUE+AB/CD. Blinking, fixed level at 100.


Thank you sir!! you just made my day :slight_smile:

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Thanks to @Schnork to point at it! :content:


When previewing samples with [FUNC]+[YES], it would be nice to loop the samples if the currently selected track has LOOP set to ON. Otherwise, is there any way to preview single-cycle waveforms?

It is possible to preview looped samples, but in audio editor. Not usefull in your case.

Load a 64 single cycle sample chain and change them with Start seems the best solution!

Donā€™t know if this is a feature that can be requested or if it may be possible already and I just donā€™t know. Iā€™ve only used the OT MK2 for a few months and I love using the crossfader to flick the rate forward and backward / scratch, but it seems, Iā€™m guessing b/c the fader is attached to controlling multiple things at once, that it wouldnā€™t be possible but it would be nice to record parameter locks for specific controls assigned to the fader and use the fader to record the p-locks for that control since you canā€™t easily do with the knobs what you can do with the fader. So I donā€™t think it will or maybe could be done, but I donā€™t know the OT ā€œThat Wellā€ at this point if there may be a workable solution already? But thatā€™s my 2 cents on a feature that I would like to have.