OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Trig + Yes is good is good for building patterns. Yes + Trig would be even better as it becomes a powerful performance tool letting you “play” plocks. I would love this on all machines!

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Copy and paste function for trig from the A4, where you can copy multiple held trigs and placing them by holding just one trig from which the sequence of copied trigs is then pasted. :raised_hands:


new firmware for digitakt and digitone you can now hold a trig and hit yes and it fires off that trig so you can hear what it sounds like !!! ridiculously helpful, you can tweak one trig over and over until it’s perfect, just how you want it to drop, copy it wherever you want it, do the one next to it completely different, surgical style, one at a time. BEING ABLE TO DO THAT IN OT would open up the OT to DAW and MPC level functionality for deliberate orchestration/composition. I heard the OT code is spaghetti and that no one who wrote it still works there so it would be a mess to work it in, i just really hope they are able to do it at some point, that feature is so amazing. Without it you’re forced to work blind, which makes it always interesting and fun but having the ability to HEAR WHAT YOU’RE DOING as you go is in my opinion a necessity for a pro piece of gear, especially one as powerful as the OT, Trig+Yes would be entirely an opening of the eyes of sorts.


Since the A4/AR just got this, I’ll repeat some feature requests:

  • Trig probability as a page parameter
  • Trig Preview
  • Step recording mode

Bring the OT sequencer up to snuff with the other Elektron device please :slight_smile:


Sure its been said here many times before, but just to emphasize: BPM PER PATTERN as available with other Elektron devices


Get rid of the virtual knobs in track mode, I’m often in chromatic just to see the values.
And please Elektron put meaningful value like Slice, Note for CombFilter, Arp… I don’t understand why every parameters it doesn’t look like that.


the biggest one for me has always been: p-locking multiple trigs at the same time (hold down 3 trig keys + turn an encoder = setting the value for those 3 trigs). going from A4, AR, and the Digis back to my Octatrack makes the Octatrack feel crippled and ancient in terms of step editing … Elektron has spoiled us!

please give us multi-trig p-locking on the Octatrack someday!!!


But you can multi edit the lfo designer :joy:

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I want the sample view and controls like on the SRC page of the Digitakt. And polyphonic audio tracks.

Arp too I think. :content:


I prefer the knobs, probably because I’m used to it, I mostly use track mode though…

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Same but I’d like knobs and values! Showing values momentarily holding page buttons like on other Elektrons would be nice too.


Agreed! Co-Signed!


Yes, please :+1:


I made a really great discovery regarding my desire to record parameter locks using the crossfader. I was live recording a sequence and had one of the track’s “Rate” control tethered to the crossfader for some scratching. I decided to take the crossfader off of the rate knob after I had been tweaking it during the playback of the sequence, which I still had playing when I did this and I noticed as the sequence looped back it was playing the part I was tweaking and did record what I had done in live record mode.

So you can use the crossfader to record parameter locks, but you need to disconnect it from having control over whatever parameter your using it for in order for the recorded parameter changes to have control over the track as the crossfader being connected to the parameter has full control keeping the recorded parameter changes from playing back. SO WOO FREAKING WHOOO!!! The OT is now my total end all be all and I will live happily ever after. The “beginning”!

I’d like to see that!
Can you reproduce it?
Are you sure you didn’t recorded Rate turning its knob?

I could record crossfader movements with midi loop back, but what you say surprises me…

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Grr…Yep. Must have used the rate knob at one point and forgot as I was messing around with the fader and the knob. I was recording video to recreate it for you but no bueno.


Let’s say it’s a feature request to be in topic! :content:

Tip to record crossfader with midi loopback :
Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)

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Totally called it.

Would love a tempo per pattern setting that didn’t require the arranger!

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