OT Easter Egg Unlocked! - EXCEPTION SSP: 4 VEC: 05 FS: 0 SR: 2000 ADDR: 4006EBC6 RO176

Would anyone here have any ideas as to what can be a cause of this screen appearing? I’m thinking the memory limits may have been exceeded on that project :man_shrugging:

Unfortunately, I haven’t yet been able to A/B this new discovery to see if it’s worth it :older_man:

edit: This appeared when playing with a Static track’s sample’s BPM in the AED FX1 Page going in to the low digit (high speed) territory (albeit kind of quick on my part) and then it froze the poor thing.


It probably does have to do with memory but without access to the programmer’s code set I don’t think anyone could decipher the error. This is super general information but the same should hold true for most devices with an operating system:

Definition: An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program’s instructions. When an error occurs within a method, the method creates an object and hands it off to the runtime system.


@shigginpit Thank you for the info! Yeah unfortunately the service manuals for OT haven’t popped up online, yet :tongue:

It felt similar to a BSOD on Windows when there are too many heavy tasks running, and the CPU overheats and shuts everything off as a safety measure. Also, not trying to make it sound like there were intricate trigs/maneuvers at play, but I tend to load large files on my Static Machines, which I think may have caused this screen to appear. Luckily, there was nothing wrong with the project/files, but I’m really hoping it’s not a looming CF card issue :baby:

Sent a message to Elektron, and likely won’t get word back until Monday, since it’s the weekend. I’ll update this post when there is new intel from HQ :beers:

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I think the main thing to keep in mind is that the number attached is an indication of something specific but the error, or notification of the error, is just a general one. Hopefully they can identify what process the error is associated with by the numbers you submitted. I’ve seen in the bugs threads for digitakt and digitone an exception error pop up several times with a few diff numbers attached so I assume it’s just part of the elektron OS to notify in this way.

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@shigginpit right on man thanks for easing the worries! :muscle:

I had never seen that screen anywhere here before, so naturally panicked for a moment, until realizing that everything worked fine after turning OT off/on. This actually happened about a week ago, and I’ve been “cautiously” navigating, but the thought grew too large and had to see what it might be. Thanks again :beers:

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Definitely not saying it’s a “good” thing, but just that it’s not an uncommon thing to see. And because it could be for any number of reasons, but that you haven’t lost data or had things go to the black screen of death, I think you can at least be assured that it’s not fatal. Just for reference look at all the threads that come up when I search digitakt exception:

Search results for ‘digitakt exception’ - Elektronauts

I don’t know the actual number of unique cases but it says “50 plus” as the number of posts found.

here’s another OT that reads ssp:4 just like yours also

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@shigginpit ah man nice detective work! I didn’t even think to look up the error code here :man_facepalming: I guess I’ll have to wait until Elektron gets back with an official answer, but I’ll update the post accordingly and edit the title to include the error code as well! Nice one man, thank you :beers:

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For every bug, the first thing is to see if reproducible, so if there is a set of initial conditions and successive actions that trigger that error deterministically (or with high probability in second place).
If that is case, you want to send the Initial conditions (the project or a dump of all the memory) and a clear list of sequence of actions that lead to the error to customer support.


@Bloom thank you for the guidance! I’ve been doing the same setup for a few months and this has been the first encounter with OT freezing in ~1.5 years of daily use, so I didn’t think much of it. I’m assuming ADDR stands for address and shows the location where the instance took place. I’m hoping that FS stands for Fminimal Sdamage and SR stands for Still Rockin’: 2000 :older_man:

You should backup your Flash card as soon as you can. Just in case.
Such exception is a signal that backup season has come.


@LyingDalai thank you for the nudge man and fair enough as OT was due for a backup :beers: I’ve been trying to go the ol’ ignorance is bliss route until Monday (hopefully, the service guys aren’t too busy) :innocent:



@castor …0?

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Fs etc seems to me content of registers, most probably doesn’t have anything to do with SD card.
There may be a stacktrace dump that the support will ask you to retrieve and send, but I will not make any assumptions if I were you. Bugs are solvable much easily if they are reproducible, so developers can see exactly what happens running through the steps with a debug version of the software.

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@Bloom that seems like a good guess, and hopefully you’re right. I know OT stores logs on the CF card, but it seems that they’re for smaller user errors. For example this is the latest log file:

2023-09-21 21:20:30 ERROR Couldn’t load STATIC[2] with ‘…/AUDIO/ZIMV5.wav’ (‘ZERO-LEN FILE’)

This was from accidentally saving the wrong track recorder recording on that project (empty recording), so I don’t think they would be of much use.

I’m almost certain that it was caused by having had a whole album on that static track, and perhaps the length of the file combined with the live time stretch/BPM edits as the sequencer was playing possibly overloaded what little RAM OT had remaining. In any event, I’m just glad that this isn’t a common issue :upside_down_face: Thanks again for trying to ease the concerns :beers:

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ADDR: 4006EBC6 looks like a 32-bit memory address.

Perhaps SSP is the supervisor stack pointer.

I’m guessing SR is the status register…

An exception occured and no clue why, without looking at the program :laughing:


What a funny joke, you gotta be a coder to get it :wink:

In all seriousness far too little info to determine anything from that debug info. I would just try to reproduce if you have time to kill and submit to the big E

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Yeah, it wasn’t a joke. I thought I typed :) but apparently it made a laugh emoji. I’ll leave it so your comment continues to make sense :laughing:

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A warning when you spent too much money in bars ? :content: