Oscilloscope VST for mac like korg NTS-2

Hi everyone!

I was eyeballing a korg NTS-2 oscilloscope to connect a hardware synth to and to ‘learn’ synthesis better.

Saw theyre not easy to get and a bit expensive.

is there a VST / plugin that does a simliar thing? so that I can connect my synth to my audio interface and then use it as software oscilloscope?

Thanks in advance


Not a VST, but a good option afaik. >> Oscilloppoi

Bitwig has an oscilloscope built in, too. And there’s another rather basic in Melda’s Free PlugIns collection.


I’ve recently installed MOTU Audio Tools which is part of older Ultralite/AVB models driver, it does not come as standalone app installation only part of the driver, it works flawlessly with my Ultralite mk5 which has it’s own driver installed, my guess is that it would work for any audio interface as you can select the channels. it has oscilloscope, freq analyzer, phase and stereo image built in, I really like it except for the fact that you can’t stack screens, you have to switch between them when you want different view. other then that great tool.


Is this available generally (or part of a specific suite accompanying gear X) and M1 friendly out of interest … may investigate

it’s part of the driver for Ultralite mk4/AVB units, you can’t install it standalone, but the parallel drivers runs on my mac studio without any issues. after installing the driver the MOTU Audio Tools app is available as a regular app, it runs all the time and connected to loopback, which makes it easy for me to take a look at a spectrum of something I play from youtube for example, or when I just play my synths standalone…


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btw OP, if you want a VST version that would run in a daw for example, this one is free and great:

the great thing about that one is that you can sidechain secondary signal to it resulting in two scope structures with clear image of how the sounds interact, very useful for visualizing bass ducking from a kick for example


this sounds like what I mean exactly!

keep the recommendations coming but will check out this one for sure.

nice option, just a standalone app is fine too, can you select the audio input (interface, inputs)?

Yes. It’s displaying everything as an option that’s available to your mac in core audio.

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not exactly a plugin but there’s a JS Oscilloscope in Reaper. I also used an AU (maybe there’s a VST version too, not sure about that) called s(M)exoscope, it’s a bit dated though but works.
Another one you could have a look at is Signalizer which comes with some extra features as well


I use this free vst…


Bitwig has an oscilloscope plugin too (“Scope”), I use it a lot for tuning. melda Production have an oscilloscope in their free bundle. I’ve never used it but I’ve used other Melda plugins and found them pretty good.

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compared to the others, the one in Reaper is kinda basic but does the job, haven’t really needed more than what’s in there

I use Signalizer, I like it quite a bit.

Melda have a bunch of analysis plugins in the free bundle

Not free but very elegant Oszillos Mega Scope - The Best VST Oscilloscope

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MiniMeters is quite nice, has the benefit of being able to run standalone and visualize any system audio.


Blue Cat Audio has several audio analysis tools including an oscilloscope. It is not cheap compared to some of the other options in this thread, but it does allow one to compare multiple signals, take precise measurements, and do other “audio engineer” stuff.

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by coincidence, i came accross discoDSP scope. seems very simple, but might be just what I’m looking for (simplicity), I found it here: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/discodsp-scope

good thing is that you get IK multimedia tape for free with it!

update: i realised that shaperbox 3 from cableguys has a GREAT oscilloscope.
I had it all this time haha