OS Upgrade: Analog Heat +FX OS 1.01

Yeah, that’s a bit weird. Release notes don’t mention anything about Euclidean, just that you can randomise parameters on a page. Someone in the marketing department got a bit carried away when creating this blurp, I think.

For a moment I thought they added an actual sequencer in this update.


They probably used a template from the prior update and forgot to delete/edit “Euclidean Mode” header.


Good stuff!

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The gain boost is really welcome.
Both for Heat on and off :v:


oof this is concerning, on 1.0 I do washed out buildups then reload a preset right before the drop (2 clicks), havnt tried 1.01 yet but hope I can still do this

Edit: tried it, they’ve now made it 4 clicks to reload :frowning:

Then I was like but at least there’s parameter reload now… nope, it doesn’t work for this, param+No reloads to the default settings, i don’t understand how that’s useful at all. It should reload the parameters to where they were saved in that preset, shouldn’t it? Wouldn’t that be more useful?


I tried it out, and even though it’s more cumbersome, pressing “yes” twice is still okay. But I think that this was a step down as well. However, this function isn’t what is going to hold me back from being fast on this box.


This also went out in the newsletter. Someone at Elektron is probably a bit frustrated right now :stuck_out_tongue:


If you have tweak a preset and want to reload the same, then it’s 3 press (the last one for being sure to not loose your work). Maybe there could be an option to deactivate the third confirmation so just 2 press.


Indeed! Anyone tried it yet?

Ripped from the headlines!

Congrats +FX owners, what a great update! Gives confidence that there are some exciting things to come for other boxes!

WTG Elektron! Pushing out these updates and once again, proving undeniably that they listen to what the people want and work hard to bring it to them!


Thought it’s just a copy and paste issue/left-over from the past Rytm release.

Edit: Ah, seems they just sent out an updated newsletter


Cool update.

Nothing like a good random name generator.


Right, I see that now!

“(Sans Euclidean Mode - would be awesome, but a bit of a challenge without a sequencer. Another time, in another dimension).” :wink:

Edit: The parts of this update I appreciate the most are LFO slew and the extra parameters. Thanks Elektron! :clap:


Oh shoot, you’re right. Well, this wasn’t good at all. I was totally fine with the way it worked before, but this made it much harder to make instant reloads on time (without having to prepare too long in advance by cuing up the last step). I feel more and more that Elektron is trying to tell me that I’m using this box in the wrong way :upside_down_face:


Yesterday, before the new firmware dropped, I finally tested to sequence it with program change from a DN and it’s awesoooome, transforming the AH+FX into an IDM beast with PC plocked on midi track. But it means that this device is clearly think to work with a digibox (the others can’t plock PC).
The new workflow to load a preset on the new firmware made me think that Elektron are kind of improvising with this device, as it was not totally finish when they released it…
But with the new randomization function per page, we can imagine they’ll add a shortcut like flow+heat+no to recall instantly the save state of the current preset.


Hey, that’s a really good idea! @Elektron :upside_down_face:

One of the core functions that I use on all my Elektron boxes is to mess upp saved states beyond recognition, something that I always feel comfortable in doing since I know I can revert back to a useable state instantly (in other words, musically). I would just like to have this mindset when using the Analog Heat +FX as well.


Finally got a chance to try out the new output gain setting, works perfectly, love it. 18db leaves me with plenty of headroom left in the mixer. I do wish it was global rather than per preset but I understand the logic, I think


Anyone else having a problem with Audio over USB after updating? Basically playing audio from my computer using the Heat as my audio interface, input output on heat is showing up in box, but no audio from speakers. When I switch to my other interface I hear audio. Was working fine before update

Can we still not sync the LFO phase to MIDI start? Having to use the foot switch/env input to do this is ridiculous. Please fix this.

Hey, you can plock program changes from the DN sequencer? how? i was under the impression PC messages could only be sent outside of the sequencer ie when the actual pattern on the master device changes