Hi guys,
Just for your information.
Yesterday I’ve updated OS of my A4 to version 1.1D and decided to share my experience with OS1.1B.
I faced with following issues while having OS1.1B installed since it was released.
A4 completely hung one time while going through menu items with stopped playback.
A4 hung once while playing live with midi keyboard connected and the latest notes played by sequencer (before hang) were froze and continue sounding. It was possible to play notes from keyboard but sequencer was completely dead and A4 didn’t response to any knobs and buttons. Poly mode was active for all tracks.
Yesterday I turned on A4 and run one pattern but several sound-locked notes were sounding very strange. I reloaded kit and pattern, but this didn’t help. In sound browser I found sound (Ambient1 from +Drive bank) which was locked to trig and played it for preview – it sounded very strange too. After reboot of A4 everything was fine. After this I decided to update OS to 1.1D.
I tried to reproduce all this issues it was unsuccessful.
If you have to add something – please do it.
P.S. Sorry for my English.