Organ Bass

Hi all,

Has any of you succeeded in making a M1 house organ type bass sound (One step too far, show me love, etc) with one of the synth engines on the AR MKii? I’d love to hear soms tips, because I’m struggling a little due to the lack of a square.

My starting point, but meh:

First osc tuned down one octave and second and octave and seventh above. Filter:

Yes, sample is the emergency plan.

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I don’t have any AR at hand but I’ve already succeeded programming such a sound on other synths.
To me, the start point is two sine/triangle oscillators, the second one being tuned one octave + a fifth above the first one, i.e. 19 semitones above.
The volume of the second one may have to be higher than that of the first one.
You may have to filter a bit, in which case you can try the suqare waveform on on or both oscilltarors, but I’m quite confident it will land further than the organ sound you are looking for.
After that, spice up with light overdrive and reverb.

Not to advertise but you can find an example in this track (one of my rock bands) at about 40 seconds. It comes back later on, with some bigger overdrive. Not telling you the synth I’m using, take a guess :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the advice! I will enjoy that track of yours later this evening :slight_smile:

Have you tried single cycle waveforms? If I’m not mistaken there’s a bunch of organ sounds in the Adventure Kid or Kawai K1 packs.
Personally I’ve just been using a sample straight from the M1. Sounds great in genres where it’s not traditionally expected

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that was my first thought too…

am I close?


Can you try one octave lower?

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(maybe bit more tweaking required)

(too low imo)

(first one has better fundamental)

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Definitly close, if only a little rounder to my ears.


SY RAW (it’s TUNE -12 and trigs on D2 but imo 0 is a bit better, or -12 and notes on D3):

sample - factory > single cycle waves > square C4:



also have some master distortion and comp


the original is much softer, though :wink:

SY RAW, -12 / +19 (just as alechko), Triangle & Sine (just synthesis)

a variant using peak filter so it is a bit driven

one more, withe the LFO (exp) changing balance so the second osc is shorter

Edit: With Robin S

a little bit snapppppier


Two tracks with Sy RAW to add the missing sub :stuck_out_tongue:

and that’s why Elektronauts is addictive :wink:

Edit: with initial riff …


Sounds even nicer than the original M1 sample. Actually a good idea to create modern improved version of the same sound

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Also (hmm here it sounds more subtle, filtered in the mix probably)

did you resample then refilter?

? I didn’t use samples except the hihat

it’s SY RAW

nono i mean if you resampled the dvco machine and then reuse the filter

nothing, no samples, no resampling …

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Masterful :slight_smile:

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goddamn, nailed it

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Ehm, not sure now. You are talking SY RAW right? Not Dual VCO? And peak filter, I assume bandpass?