Open Battle #12 - Eff 'em! No Static At All

Glad someone got my Steely Dan reference. I spent hours trying to be clever. It’s hard work


Sample made after plugging this old thing into the rig. Now digging for treasure!


So any number of samplers can be involved, so long as they’re only playing back the FM radio recording, yeah?

Yes use any software or hardware available to you but the sample needs to be one take and not a bunch of different recordings

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Going to try to bring this thread back to life!

Here’s a comprehensive guide to FM synthesis from YouTubes greatest gift to the music world, Dr Mix!


Might have a crack at this to tomorrow.


I had a surprising amount of fun doing this one.

Original sample - Turns out my mobile phone has an FM radio built it, so I plugged it straight into the OT and hit record. Didn’t bother tuning or anything, just grabbed a few seconds.


i love the sparseness, so unlike FM radio…
quite the contrast.


Yeah I’ve always hated FM radio for that very reason, no fucking space in it.
Thanks for listening :slight_smile:


thank you for taking the time to make the music!
i enjoyed it very much


Love it, it’s like tuning in an old car stereo mounted to the dash on a spaceship

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I nearly forgot about this until @Microtribe posted!

Here’s my initial sample. It’s a little long but I assure you that all the bits I’m using are well within the three minute window. I know the dial around here pretty well and pretty much knew approximately what I’d get. 98.1 is classical and below that you get several varieties of talk, a jazz station or two, C89.5 which is all electronic dance music all the time and the lousy KEXP which is not even a pimple on the asscrack of KCMU which it replaced. Couldn’t resist a mini rant there because KCMU ruled. Anyhow I borrowed my coworker’s little transistor radio that he uses to listen to the Mariners, sat down on the couch, and three minutes and thirty eight seconds later had this. If only I had the talent to make something interesting out of it! I’ll see you tomorrow with the song.

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KCMU did indeed rule.

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Aaaand the result:


Well if it’s only me 'n @Microtribe in this here battle I’ll just grab my silver medal and take a powder :0)

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Hey Friends, its been one heck of a month in Malus Mons world… and Thursdays are a silly deadline I realized, so let’s finish this by Sunday night and then vote. Sound good?


yeah this one fell of the radar, I apologize for not keeping it fresh. I’m going to put mine up tonight and hopefully more people get in on it. I’m extending it though the weekend.


I also kinda forgot about this.
Thank you for extending the deadline, wish i could have spent more time on this and more people joined, because its a cool idea- hopefully a few more will get in here



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Here’s my track, used song mode for the first time. I like it