OP-1's Finger Sequencer on Octatrack

tl;dr - Disconnect tracks from the OT sequencer to recreate the Finger from the OP-1

Ok, I love the Finger sequencer on the OP-1, so I decided to see if the Octatrack could reproduce it. I quickly realized that, yes, the OT can definitely reproduce the Finger sequencer and it takes the idea to an unimagineable level. This is probably old news to you OT vets so pardon me if this sounds sophomoric, but for me discovering this was like getting a free upgrade :slight_smile:

For those unfamilliar with the Finger on the OP-1: basically, you have patterns associated to keys and you can launch patterns and layer them by pressing and holding keys. Great for jamming and, imo, awesome for writing percussion parts.

If you’re like me you probably glazed over the “disconnect track from sequencer” part of the OT manual because the practical use of such a feature is not super obvious. But after figuring this out I’m sooo down with disconnected tracks and will def incorporate them into future jams and sets.

Here’s what you do (good idea to try it on a fleshed out pattern, make a live remix of your track!) :

  1. Plug your midi keyboard into the Octatrack, set it up with the right auto-channel and all that. Figure out where the Track Trig keys start (midi implementation) and find the Sample Trig keys and the Midi Track Trig keys (should be 3 consecutive octaves on your keyboard) [you can also do it with the trig keys on the OT but I def recommend a midi keyboard]

  2. Now on the OT, for all your tracks (sample+midi), go into track settings (func+edit when not in record mode). Set Track Plays Free to on, Trig Mode to Hold, and Trig Quantization to 1/16.

  3. For sample tracks that are loops, make sure Loop is turned on in playback settings and turn the release down in the Amp settings.

Alright, now when you press Play you should hear nothing. Turn to your midi keyboard and press and hold the Track Trig key of your kick drum. Now press and hold another Track Trig key. When you release the key, the sequence will stop playing. Now try triggering your Midi Track trigs on top of your Sample tracks. If you have loops, use the octave between Track Trig keys and Midi Track trig keys; your loops should hold for the duration you hold the key down.

At this point you should be having fun remixing your track on the fly. Next step might be to play with Trig Mode for some tracks: One2 for instance is a great setting for your kick drum. If, like me, you have a Machinedrum you can even set your midi tracks to trigger entire patterns :U the on-the-fly remix possibilities with this technique are insane!

What do you all think? If anything is unclear let me know.


Weird coincidence for you to post this, yesterday I was thinking about potential Mpc live/Op1 overlap. Began to try to imagine how to do Op1’s Finger Sequencer on the MPC. Didn’t follow the thought through to its end but cool to hear it’s worth exploring on OT too. Will check it out, thanks.

Yeah this kinda sparked from my buddy telling me that he doesn’t like Elektron’s x0x sequencers and the OP-1’s sequencers were much better for getting creative. At the time I didn’t have the knowledge to articulate how wrong he was, but as they say L’esprit de l’escalier. I’m thinking of doing a write up for all the OP-1 sequencers on Elektron gear…

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dude the octatrack really is elektron’s masterpiece. stuff like this makes my head explode. not in an overwhelming way, but in a free candy forever way.


yeah I’m like 7 months into the OT and I’m wondering when the weekly “omfg no way!” moments are going to stop :smile_cat: