OP-1 field

Could you please explain how that is silly?

I’ve made a detailed explanation about what drives cost on hardware and your response is that it’s silly!

I’m all for being wrong and taking criticism but please do that in a manner that is actually productive. Cause if I am mistaken, then I want to learn!

  • They are just thinking ahead. In 45 days, when it will be delivered to the early birds (peacocks or so :wink: ) 2000k will be worth today’s 1300k. :moneybag: That’s one theory.

  • Another: three words. Swedish House Mafia :man_in_tuxedo: :female_detective: :male_detective: :man_in_tuxedo: :man_in_tuxedo: – and a complex mafia money laundering system. :smiley: :slot_machine: :hamburger: :sunflower: :cocktail: :haircut_woman:

  • Another one: This thing just exists to make the 1300 :dollar: for the still available OP-1 OG reissue look reasonable. After all, the changes ar minimal. (Who bought the OP-1 OG for high fidelity?). USB-C is nice though.

  • The guy with the shades :sunglasses: in the white pullover in the pimp-mobile with white leather seats - that’s an attitude. :open_mouth: :crazy_face: We are propably being played in an artsy Banksy Hirst whatever meta-meta-meta piece. Be proud, crowd! :stuck_out_tongue: :partying_face: :exploding_head: :cowboy_hat_face:

That said, I will definetely get one, play it a couple of hours, get bored, put it away and finally, when I want to sell it after years during a phase with reason, recognise it wont turn on because of deep dead battery or whatever… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That one is truly great. :rofl:

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The Man who finds happiness is the luckiest man of all. Most people are searching for gear that clicks all their life.


Ooh dude come one…

I’m merely stating how hardware drives cost…

Volume is also a gamble because it’s an estimate of when you’ll see the return for you’re investment… they don’t know if they will sell X amount of units, they estimate it based on market research and prognosis.

I’m not saying that the price is this amount due to the hardware I’m saying it’s part of it…
There could be also that they want to control supply and demand by raising the price. It could be that they’re cunts… I’m merely saying it isn’t just that they’re cunts!


Why is Mayfair and Park lane the most expensive squares on Monopoly. I mean you could pick up The Old Kent Road for a fraction of the cost.:rofl:

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That seems sensible! Looks easy to knock but if you have to hold it down for a second that makes more sence…as long as it is robust I guess it isn’t an issue, but I still prefer the flush toggle, I don’t remember anyone complaining about it and find it hard to believe that was apart they had difficulty sourcing but maybe they will standardise with this type of switch on all new products as its also on the mixer. Maybe that’s where all the added cost is coming from :wink:

Oh! How sad…
First thing I hear of that they removed ^^

regarding the FM transmission, from my understanding once you have an antenna for RM receiving, its fairly trivial to reuse it for transmission. You can transmit to their OB-4 speaker as a sort of wireless audio in the most old school way.

Think of it as a modern day Fairlight CMI with a better screen, it makes it feel cheaper.

Interesting, level headed opinion on it here which gets extra bonus points for not resorting to thumbnail noncery and another for possibly the craziest comment so far on the release.


He sounds a bit like Heinbach🧐

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My guess on the switch change is slightly more internal room? Since you’d have to have parts of that switch on the inside. But I remember the OG having some space inside. 🤷

Quick question will the spare parts for this be available on a fixit site like the OP-1? They sold a lot of the jacks.

Lol, I love how unhinged that comment became at the end!


Haha I know, and if they’re the only two choices we’re f***cked either way :sweat_smile:

It was like a fourth quarter heatup

Yeah. I’m a hard pass on either of those options. It is crazy how people can call companies elitist while acting entitled about it.



build it yourself :blush:

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