OP-1 field

On the OG OP-1, you hold down the key that corresponds to the pitch of your sample.

eg. if you want to sample the D key from a piano, hold down the D key on the OP-1, and everything will work.

I think that if you import a sample via the computer, then it should be pitched at A, not C (on the OG OP-1 again, I assume it’s the same on the Field).

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thanks @Mistercharlie. Can anyone with an OP-1 field confirm this?
which A? (A4?)
and what in case of making a file for a melodic drum sampler? which keys should be sampled and where to start?

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and additionally: for the OG OP-1 there was this handy ‘drum utility’ from xfer.
is there a similar app on the way for the field?

The drum sampler doesn’t work the same way. The drum sampler doesn’t pitch across the keyboard, it just plays back the sample and each key is a different chop that is pitchable manually. alternatively, you can have each chop play the whole sample, but at a different pitch, which could be cool for melodic stuff.

I hope and think similar software will get released for the OP-1 Field eventually as well, but don’t forget it’s still early days.

Since you asked on YouTube how I made the piano ‘drumsampler’ patches I’ll paste the reply here as well.

Drum Sampler on the OP-1f is 20 seconds per patch in total so about 0,833 sec per key.

24 (keys) divided by 20 (seconds) = 1,2 x 60 seconds = 72 bpm.

So I rendered 24 notes (2 octaves starting from F) on 72 bpm equally timed, loaded that complete sample with 24 notes into my DAW again and pitched it up a couple of octaves and sampled that into the OP-1 Field.

On the OP-1 Field I pitched it down and cutted all samples manually again since there is no software for this yet.


You could free up more sampling time by sampling every few semitones rather than every semitone and then pitching the difference on the in-between steps. I don’t think you would notice the difference when playing back on the OP-1f.


Sadly, the Field App is very buggy on a Mac. I would only use it for getting Tape / Record recordings off the OP-1f. I was getting very strange behaviour moving files around using it (M1 / 12.4).

Oh sure, but since the quality of the pitch algorithm is so good on the OP-1f samples still sound nice on -36 semitones down-pitched which is more than 6 seconds sample per key?


thanks for the clarification, and sorry I asked twice! its a small world :wink:

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My one extra track :wink:


Does anyone know, if the Unit Portables case for the OG OP-1 fits the Field (with the new power switch)?

My understanding from posts on the OP-1 forum is that you need to cut a little notch for the power switch.

Thanks. I read that too - but as I understood, that was referring to the newer cases by TE. Hoping my case will work, as I love the Unit Portables.

I got mine to fit in the old case but ordered the newer field one. A bit snug but doable

It works great! Very happy about it too

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I’ve been uploading some quick jams and sessions with my field gear to my IG if anyone is interested.


looks a bit snug near the on/off switch to me!
i looked at op-1 forums and came up with this one: Amazon.de

fits the OP-1 field+decksaver, and the other compartment fits the usb cable+audio cable x2 + in ear headphones.

This looks ideal! With the decksaver, all you need is something to keep off dust and scratches. Nice find!

I have the Unit Portables OG case. It fits but it’s too easy to flip the power switch. I don’t recommend.

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One of my favorite ways of working with the OP-1 OG and Field is to make a random loop and drop that whole loop in the drum sampler and then remix that loop…

Here is the original

Remix 1

Remix 2

One cool thing I like to do is to use the endless sequencer and sequence that loop to tape, then switch to a drum kit and use that same sequence. This usually gives the remix some added weight with the drums