Online Databases with Ambient Samples

I remember that some great databases with ambient/environment/percussion/real-life samples were mentioned in this forum, but don’t find the links anymore.

Could someone please point me to interesting places with such kind of stuff?
Not sure if was this, but there’s some really good samples here.

SampleRadar (related to the Computer Music/Future Music magazine publishers in the UK) may have something along the lines of what you’re after. Good for a browse through occasionally!

(this specific link goes to some “real world fx samples”)

I have just one word:


No, actually an acronym too:


That’s very cool indeed!
(also worth a laugh at the ungrateful swine in the comments complaining about the audio bitrates)

Wow, thats amazing, thanks for the link !

Thanks for posting the links! Great stuff, especially this NASA database! Lol @ bit rate comment!

There was a huge library with field recordings, which I’m still searching…

Interesting link that I just found:

my favourite is Radio Aporee: link

There are a loooot of places

Whoa, that is cool! Going to add some of my field recordings to my region asap. Thanks for the find :slight_smile:

I’ve always found interesting things at - - it’s real easy to spend an hour listening to random sounds there.

And here’s an interview of Udo Noll, the creator of aporee :

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my #1 place

And here’s an interview of Udo Noll, the creator of aporee :[/quote]
He is G R E A T !!
I love this Planet also because people like him

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