One shot trigs

Hi Guys,

I am trying to get my head around the section in the manual on One Shot trigs but I am struggling to implement this across my drum tracks so that I can fire off the odd nice fill etc. Can someone briefly describe the button press configuration for setting up the One Shot trigs and the activating and deactivating them to play ? I can’t seem to get them to work


Not sure if I´m missing any (from the top of my head):

To turn trigs into One Shot trigs (in grid record mode), to get any red trig into one shot (yellow) press and hold Function and the trig you´d like to turn into One Shots (select approiate “fill”-sample for that trig as well).

To arm/dis-arm, while your OT sequencer is playing. Press YES to re-arm One Shots, NO to dis-arm One Shot.

Remember that anything else being One Shot (i e recorder trigs) will also be affected by re-arming/dis-arming…


I would add also that if you are on the selected track with one-shots in GRID mode then you will arm/disarm one-shot trigs only for that track.

And…by default you can arm by pressing YES
and NO for disarming.

You can disable this:

from the manual (p.33):

DISABLE YES/NO ARM will when checked disable the one shot trig arming and dis- arming when simply pressing [ENTER/YES] or [EXIT/NO]. Note that when this arm/ disarm functionality is disabled, the same functionality can be achieved by pressing [FUNCTION] + [ENTER/YES] or [FUNCTION] + [EXIT/NO].

I thought I had followed all these steps but I was having limited success with the samples sounding. I will try again tonight when I get home tonight.

Ok the reason I was having a problem is because I was lining up one shot trigs one after the other and it seems you have to press yes to rearm one the preceeding trig has been played how can I arm all trigs on a track together so they play one after the other?

Just keep pressed the combo FUNC+YES or just YES. As long as it’s pressed the oneshots stay active



Enjoy!! OneShots is an amazing thing about OT

Just keep pressed the combo FUNC+YES or just YES. As long as it’s pressed the oneshots stay active[/quote]
Doesn’t that only work with One Shot Recorder Trigs ? I have to keep pressing to re-arm as each one gets trigged like the OP…

^ OneShot trigs ARE one shot trigs!

Then if you have recorder trig - sample trig or whatever…then you can set them as OneShots.

But actually i can’t understand your last sentence,

Hey Sicijk

No worries. i thought i had tried holding YES with one shot sampled trigs and it didn’t work., whereas it did with one shot recorder trigs (with the correct menu open) but i just tried it again and it functions just as you describe. Thanks !

This thread was helpful. I have had the octa for years and hadn’t used the one shot trigs at all before this week. It’s a new world of looping fun.

It is a shame there is no “one shots” for MIDI tracks :frowning:

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So, I was exploring all the trig ninja moves last night, I found a way to restore a one shot to the original normal trig (which may have a slice plock) but it is clunky and it certainly was not in the manual, so I’ll ask the question how do you return your one shot trig to a normal trig without erasing it along the way ?.

I was really trying to find a way to replicate some of the benefits of the trig mutes from the a4 and I’m only able to think of using trips converted back and forth between trig less locks and trigs. It’s also a bit clunky

I am a bit shocked that all operations on OT trigs are happening on one trig at a time, it is possible to do many trigs at once on the a4 and I’ve gotten quite used to that ! It makes doing a number of changes on a track very laborious (when copy pa.ste is not appropriate)

I’m hoping I’m missing something, any trig tips (advanced stuff) for noobs ??? :slight_smile:

So…you’re right avantronica about the clunky situation in regards of multiple functions trig…anyway…

…going literally with the manual (since i dont know special versions of the combo and, especially because i stiil dont program too much with OT and i need more finger practice…)


put a blank TRIG

TRANSFORM IT IN A TRIGLESS TRIG (the one that triggers Env and Lfo)

press the TRIG + NO

TRANSFORM IT IN A TRIGLESS LOCK (the one that doesn’t trigger anything)

keep pressed the full green TRIG + NO


press the TRIG




described methods in the manual (depending also from menus)
press the TRIG (it will go full yellow when ARMED)
[if you have other oneshots this pressing will arm them too…it is equally like pressing YES]****i think this is not in the manual…

Then, if you want to DISARM you press NO

while the trig is ARMED

press the TRIG
it’ll get full red.

PLACE A TRIGLESS LOCK (the one that doesn’t trigger anything)

press FUNCT + blank TRIG

It’s like layers of functions…and the path is not always straight…
but with a bit of practice the usefulness of those will be easier achievable

Im sure i’ve forgot something,ask whatever!


yeah :+1:
when you tend to work and test with short tracks the one shot trigs always go inactive pretty quickly
my method was to replicate the one shot enabling combo - ie Fn+Trig, then just Trig again
I still do NOT understand the reason why i can only have one One shot per track that does something, I know how to arm a track, the trigs go full yellow but when one is passed they both go out
i also know that i can hold the Fn+Yes, i just don’t get the logic, yet !!
thanx - much neater method
shame that muting a selection of trigs is a pain tho

[edit] is that tip in the manual anywhere ?

Which tip sorry?
Also…soryy but i dont get (understand) this your sentence:

why i can only have one One shot per track that does something

[sorry i am not really good in comprehension sometime]

Anyway, dont want to bother or to presume you haven’t seen by the supernice Skab.

For me it showed how oneshots are incredible fun for fast jamming or to make a 1 bar pattern interesting at every pass

The one i highlighted :wink: one shot back to Full (the quick way)
hadn’t seen that vid - cheers, good timing

yeah - i just meant that when you arm a track all one shots get disarmed as soon as it passes the first one - you have to hold in the Arm Track combo to get them all to play - you therefore can’t arm once for multiple one shots !!


The one i highlighted :wink: one shot back to Full (the quick way)
hadn’t seen that vid - cheers, good timing[/quote]
you know? i dont know! :astonished:

i was just trying a way to understand how to get rid of those color-changing leds