OLED display for Elektron Mk1 Analog devices (Four, Heat, Keys, Rytm)

A while back I designed & programmed this OLED module for a friend as a one-off (ordered 10 PCBs),

It is a drop-in replacement for Mk1 of Analog Four, Analog Heat, Analog Keys & Analog Rytm to replace original lower contrast LCD.

I have currently 4 units left in this batch.
It is a yellow/green/white/blue on black look.

So if you want the OLED look of Mk2 and have Mk1, then this could be a cheaper alternative than buying mk2, though some desoldering + soldering is expected from you/a friend/a local technician.

Asking 120€ for it + shipping. Located in Europe, Latvia.

Contact me here (PM) or via email ( order @ xrd.lv). (Currently no purchase via ebay or paypal available, but will send you invoice directly.)

More detailed info about the OLED display here: xrd.lv



they look beautiful. I’ve never opened up my A4. I did a screen replacement on my machinedrum tho (nearly broke it in the process, lol).

is it a similar kinda job to the machinedrum process?

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Unfortunately I do not know anything about machinedrum process.
Generally this is a two part job:
(1) disassembly to get to the display (and assembly afterwards);
(2) display module replacement (desoldering old + soldering new).
For the first part I can’t say much.
Only have experience with opening Analog Keys, and for that the disassembly to get to the motherboard/display board was not hard, if You know cables, that need to be disconnected. Cannot tell anything about A4.

But for the 2nd part - the old display desoldering / new display soldering - here is (a try at) a guide to do it.
Elektron Graphic OLED display module v0.2.pdf (492.9 KB)

If You have/buy a desoldering tool (e.g., Engineer SS-02 or a clone), You do not have to touch A4’s motherboard at all. So You would not be risking damage to the motherboard at all (at least in the soldering part).


Nice project/skills btw. Thanks, though, for pointing out this device, looks like an upgrade i need !

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Looks cool, does OLED make it feel more responsive than LCD? LCD always feel a bit laggy to me, any video of the display in action?

yes, it does.

Can’t find a more reasonable video right now, but for the purpose of seeing responsiveness, here is a short clip from development days before designing a board for the display.


I’d love to get one of them on my A4. I’ll only wreck it tho. it defo needs someone with a bit of experience, and the right tools.

with the machinedrum I ended up having to get a friend to finish it for me. he had a much hotter soldering iron, and much more skills.

Will order when funds allow thank you @zigmars

Phenomenal work, bravo! I have poor eyesight and have always struggled to see the Mk1 screens, would love to have one of these in an A4 or Rytm. I’m sure they’ll sell like hot-cakes.


Are there any pics of the screen fitted into a device? All pics are of the screen in isolation. Would love to see one installed in a mk1.

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Though take the colors/brightness of these images with a grain of salt…
They’re not quite what You see with naked eyes and photos are not well done either to be representable of what You get.
The blue/turquoise one with my eyes seems to have significantly different color.


that’s awesome. are these winstar (manufacturer) like the oem displays?

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Ooooh. That green looks nice!


Hey, on ebay there only seem to be yellow ones, are there any of the blue or white ones available? Thanks

Green looks dope! :alien:

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Probably not. Some panel units might be, some might not. These specific size/interface units are manufactured by a few manufacturers.
I ordered these units from China which were readily available (to me as a private individual) and then on arrival I just tested each display myself.

Currently I only have one green display left.
And two more empty boards without OLED panels…
So yesterday I ordered 1x blue/turquoise, 2x green, 2x yellow OLED panels.
Probably will take a week or two to arrive.

The white one does not seem as bright & nice as the yellow one to my eyes, so I did not bother ordering white one.

I can order the white OLED panel, it just takes time to arrive.



This looks really great,
I would get a couple of them but installing it would be a problem.

And it just crossed my mind having the option to share the screen with a PC, would that be technologically feasible at all?

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Cannot directly help much with installation, unless You happen to be in Latvia with Your devices.

What use case are You thinking of, regarding screen sharing with PC?

It can, theoretically.
Though that would be a significant amount of work to do that sensibly & make it usable SW-wise (both on the OLED board & PC side).

HW-wise - You would need to somehow manoeuvre/route a data cable out of enclosure.

Before there even was an OLED, there was a try at what You asked about.