Old guitar bands you were in before elektron

So my kids found an old video of my old guitar band from 14 years ago

Anybody else in a guitar band before elektron?


Nice. I performed in a couple of places as part of my exams before finding electronic music. They weren’t bands though, more a collection of misfits being forced to do music stuff in public.

Sounds harsh
I miss the group interaction - there’s a guy called James Holden who does electronic music and either it’s in a band setting or he makes it sounds loose and alive but either way it’s awesome

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I hear you and your band have sold your guitars and bought synthesizers. Because you want to make something real. You want to make a Yaz[oo] record.


Sadly we haven’t spoken in a while - but yazoo is great and synthesizers are great :slight_smile: and the guitars are still knocking around

I was in these two bands before I started an electronic solo project:


See also


I was naked on the beach in Ibiza

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In 1988!

Though who wasn’t

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the protagonist of that song is so ahead of their time they are standing behind you

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I have played that just before the first class of a term. I had it cued up for the last class last fall, because I may not teach on campus again, but of course the PA system failed. At least I forced the students to listen to my modular improvisations in the class just before that one.

The closest I can get to the original post is that I have had recurring dreams of being on stage with a guitar strapped on, which, as in real life, I was incapable of playing.

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sure, i was in several guitar bands, but first as a singer, and then as a drummer :tongue:


Before, during and after, I have been doing a project called Spanish Prisoners. We actually are putting out a new album next month; the first single is below. The drums on this are all from the Digitakt too.

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Oh yeah I see that, I didn’t realise something similar had been opened.
Perhaps we can make it about bands that you were in that you don’t talk to anymore because you grew out of them as people and musically you moved on or backwards or sideways


Lets goooo!


anyway, i love punk approach to do things forever :grin:

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Here’s one of my old bands from the Mid-late 90’s.

This is Fox Force Five the band before Half Seas Over:

This is early 2000’s before I went solo and started writing and releasing as Karhide.

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