Off topic rant thread

…sorry, elektron…i know u gotta fight at many frontiers these days…hard to catch up…i see…but pretty selfmade…time to slow down, guys…
we don’t need the next fancy concept before all the rest is not doing properly all the promises u made…and this here sounds like, ot mk2 can’t even do the basics for good at the moment…

…how can u dare , to release such an unfinished product…?..and we’re talking about a concept u came up with many years ago…!
and it’s not like u really pushed that concepts to any new borders…it’s pretty much the same thing just with more blinking shiny lights and colours…pffft…

and the list gets longer and longer…digitakt is also anything but smooth yet…and it’s not just the code…seems like ur problems also grow on the hardware side…still assembled in sweden?..sure?

ur new encoders for example are not really a progress…by the way…no matter how much u frickle on the interpolation codewise on the next updates…the hardware just sucks here and there…

i’ll get back here next year…maybe then your products start to be worth the money again…dunno…just hope…and did’nt even started yet, to talk or think about overbridge…

get ur shit together, really…

meanwhile i gonna get me a used octatrack mk1 as a stage backup…because some people really need to work seriously every night in front of an audience with ur instruments…and my digitakt is definitly not ready for that by now…1.04…
can’t afford failing systems…and trust is priceless…

have a read …

you’d already made your point here (see below) … less ranty but still vaguely off-topic - the thread is for bug reporting not just personal critique … you can do that elsewhere, but try to be more civil with it



Yes you can sell your DT right now and get advantage of the low prices on OT MKI also have a new OS so you can make a live with a pro or better machine. just relax a little and you can see the good side of this. Peace