Octatrack - weird MIDI note not firing business

Weird. Arp Scale wouldn’t explain that.

New project > same behavior?

have it be something other than a used track chan

I’ll try that but I can’t for the life of me fathom why that could (or should!) make a difference to the transmission of external notes… Will report back


No LFO active either?

Nope. Didn’t get a chance to try it today but will check in a new project and with a new channel tomorrow

Right, now this is really weird.

The problem is only on MIDI channel 10 and only note F2 (41).

Every other note fires from channel 10 perfectly fine, and every other channel (11-16 with Auto set to 9 and the audio tracks set to 1-8). But channel 10 will not send note 41 / F2 under any circumstances whatsoever. It doesn’t even register on my MOTU input as a flicker (for every other note, it does).

Brand new project, no transposing, no LFOs, nothing.

Can anyone else repeat this behaviour?!

Wtf? :thinking:
Nothing connected to midi in?
Sorry not with the OT so can’t test…

No F2 on midi channel 10 would be a really weird bug…

Why do your velocities go 1, 5, 100, 1, 5 on your midi readout? What’s doing that?
Should test with stable velocity…

Also is there any kind of midi filtering functions on your motu?

Wouldn’t hurt to file a support ticket and see if :3lektron: has anything to say…
4 days in and nauts got nothin for ya…

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That was just me playing in some random notes. I started a new project and got the same results only on channel 10 with velocity 100 every time. I have midi in connected but that shouldn’t stop it generating a MIDI note when it does so correctly for every single other note (I checked them all!).

No filter on the MOTU. The input indicator light fires on every other note trigger on every other channel except channel 10 note 41!

So random…

(also I’ve started a support ticket to see if Elektron can recreate the bug)

I entered trigs on a midi track, out to ch10, note F2, sends just fine

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Midi monitoring test directly from OT out?

Another angle, also check Disarm All, as OT seems pacifist, maybe it doesn’t like F2s…:grimacing:


I don’t know if that was in reply to my post, but anyway, yes, Octratrack=>iCm4+=>MidiOx

OP’s post! :wink:
Glad F2s are allowed in your OT.

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They are allowed out for sure. I don’t know what’s happening inside, I wasn’t allowed in, there was a huge guy at the door with in-ears who told me it was VIP only


Maybe OT thinks your melody would be nicer with an F#… :smile:


Yes it’s just a MIDI out into a MOTU interface straight in. I can’t think of a cable problem that would affect one channel (!) and one particular note and every single other one would be fine every time…! Also no clock is being sent or received so it really is low density traffic…

Holy shitballs, this is interesting to find
This issue (slight difference) is driving me insane.
In my instance F#2 is the offending note - midi channel 1

Display shows that midi in activity but not midi out.
Every other channel plays F#2 fine.
Replicated on any track.
Auto channel is 2
Trig channels are all off.
No midi filtering.
MidiOx monitoring shows no activity for that note on channel 1. (I find this very strange, as the Octa shows midi in activity)
Behaviour is the same via midi keyboard input or chromatic mode input on the octa.

It’s just plain bizarre.

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I’ve had this happen to me. Midi tracks seemed tor randomly refuse to send one note, and then if i change the note value it would start sending again. Drove me mad, had to just work around it.

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