Octatrack : trouble sampling

He refers to the fact you wrote

which means the Flex track would be sampling. You sample with a Track Recorder and you play it with a Flex/Static track.



Yeah. It not the most intuitive way to sample. Feel like it should have an easy sample mode. With a sample engine more like digitakt.

Oh, there are more than a way to sample.

The one where you place trigs on the recorder track is interesting because you can live resample.
It takes the idea from the Machinedrum, that needed two tracks: one was a recorder track, the other one a player track.
On the Octatrack this idea is pushed a bit further.
It can lead to very crazy ways to mangle what has been sampled, but it’s a bit convoluted at first.

On the recorder track, you can set a “one-shot” trig (Fn+trig, in yellow). This one will only be triggered when armed (with Yes on the Recorder track for instance): this way you sample only once when you have armed the one-shot trig.
Make sure you save the recording buffer as a new sample if you want to keep it as it’s not automatically saved.

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Mmmhhh you probably want… a Digitakt?

OT can be convoluted due to its flexibility. As mentioned, there are often different ways or at least workarounds to do things, up to your workflow. It ask a lot of preparation, it’s definitely not a press&play device.

@LyingDalai yes it’s like when a mechanic tries to explains you what’s wrong with your car and you end up nodding to avoid confessing you don’t understand nothing. It happens often to me when @sezare56 explains his voodoo tricks :sweat_smile:


Here is a nice workflow, that will be relatively simple once set up.

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I have a digitakt. Don’t love it for phrase sampling as it can’t to stereo. I plan to sample from my modular that is becoming increasingly stereo

Exactly what I’m trying to do. Now I can’t get the quick mode record to work…:exploding_head::rofl: when I tap rec 2 to record cd on the start of the next pattern start it’s not going….

In my limited experience, if you hit the combo whilst the [REC 1/2] pages are showing, nothing happens. if you close those, and hit it, recording happens. Does that help?

Also, one other thing I’m struggling with is can I record a second loop after recording? Say if I’m using record buffer 1 on track one. If I record several loops can I slice them? Or does it overwrite the buffer each recording?

If you have QREC enabled it won’t start recording immediately if the sequencer is running, it’ll wait until however long you’ve set it to.

BTW if you happen to set the master track length to infinite, a PLEN QREC setting won’t work, because there is no pattern restart point for it to work from. Worth experimenting with all these things depending on your setup.


Thanks. Will give that a go

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I don’t believe this is accurate, I’m pretty sure you can record from AB/CD/Int while in the record setting page. It’s probably something else like the QREC thing.

Hope so :+1:t2:

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How do I set the master track length? As in track 8?

In the Scale menu, accessed by pressing FUNC + the PAGE button.


If you don’t use the per track setting you won’t see it. Thought it was worth mentioning though as it’s something I’ve run into with using plays free tracks where the master length would restart individual tracks unless I set it to infinite, then the PLEN becomes useless so I just set QREC to 64 or whatever.

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Going back to your OP it just sounds like you need to use one-shot record trigs and set the RLEN to something other than max in the record setting for the recorder.

Edit: Ah hold you want to do manual recording, well you could use a one shot record trig and arm it I guess, but yeah just QREC + an RLEN setting should work, otherwise you would need to press the record button again after it starts with the ONE2 mode.

For example: Press a record button as the sequencer is running, it waits until the next bar then you see the little + symbol to indicate it’s now recording, when you see that you can either wait if you’re using RLEN that isn’t max, or just press the record button again and it’ll stop after it reaches the next point determined by QREC.

The way I’ve been using QREC and ONE2 is for variable bar length recordings, so if I let the sequence run on to the next bit and hit the button then it’ll record two bars.

I do wish there was a way to set a record STOP trig, or set a max length longer than 64, but alas.

How well does it work if you set the master tempo to half your speed, but set every track except the one you want to sample into to X2 scale?

Not something I’ve experimented with. Probably wouldn’t be useful for me with how I want to use plays free tracks but I’m sure it would work for someone.

That’s the beautiful thing with the Octatrack, it gives you tremendous flexibility to create a pretty unique sequencer/sampler instrument. You do just need to take the time to experiment and learn what all the settings do and how they interact.

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Good advice. I’ve owned mine long enough to know this is true, but embarrassingly I’ve not taken the time to learn this aspect of using it properly yet. I shall, one day.