Octatrack - sell it to me

My type of nudist art!

Exactly that.

The thing that makes the OT more challenging than other Elektron boxes is that it can serve multiple functions in one (Mixer, Looper, FX box, Sampler, Sample Mangler, Midi sequencer, Drum machine etc)…once you’ve identified what you want to use it for (which is the tough decision to make in my book), the basic HOWs are learned quite quickly.

EDIT: then, there’s the next step where one starts to combine elements & functions in previously unforeseen ways…that’s when the OT rabbit hole opens up and one is catapulted to the OT Borderlands…and the brain starts to go “overload” lol

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Possible to use all this functions at the same time! :content:

But yes, sometimes you have to make choices, I don’t have a defined workflow with OT.

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Off topic

Not on A4 unfortunately.

Wish it could.

They can overlap on the AF now, it was added in last update!


Maybe hope for OT then…






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OM(F)G, where is the (hw) crossfader??? No fader, no deal.



That actually does not interest me in the slightest. Sounds like a shitty DAW in a box. Much better to just get a macbook and use with a midi controller instead.

That’s what it is, no?


Seems like it yeah. The beauty of the OT is that it’s not a DAW and doesn’t try to be, it’s a turbo charged traditional sampler. A DAW in a box will always be a bad compromise.

For OT mk. II, all they’d need to do is add better effects (similar in quality to the A4 effects), more inputs and outputs (dedicated inputs and outputs for each track) and increase the RAM memory from 80mb to however high they want to go. Keep everything else as it is.

I hate to say it but I think this is the reality, a DAW in a box seems amazingly to combine the worst aspects of hardware boxes with the worst aspects of a computer, and none/few of the best aspects of either.

At least all the ones seen so far, and touchscreens, ugh.

I agree. Whilst the tricks and nuances can be fun their just the icing on the cake. There is a very logical workflow that doesnt take years.

I could think of a better midi sequencer (DN) and maybe have the need for neighbortracks reduced (aka add another fix slot, maybe make delay and reverb useable at the same time etc.).
Well, and while I am on it. I would love to have a bigger pitch range (DT).

Yeah, good suggestions. Just basically add a modern processor and more memory and the benefits that come from those both.

That’s another reason I prefer the MK1, even though the screen on the MK2 is remarkably crisp.

yeah, not sure how a dedicated hardware daw can be better than working on a laptop

Perhaps it is so that you can tag your posts #dawless which seems to be the badge of honour of young influencers, trendy types etc :laughing:

Marketing is everything.