Octatrack Screen Burn-in

If you have lastest os,
they dim after a few minutes and then they do switch off the screen
but not for an hour of not touching it at all

I have this problem too. screen saver does not work. It never dims

Hi all, sorry to resurrect such an old thread, just wondering if screen burn is a prominent issue for Octatrack mk2 users these days? Have the screen saver and brightness settings alleviated the issue at all? Does the burn-in ware off eventually, do you just get used to it, or has it never been an issue for you?

I might be in the market for a secondhand mk2, wondering how closely i should scrutinise the screens and how much of an issue it might be in the future.


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I bought a new OT (the black one) last Dezember, so far I haven’t seen any change regarding the screen. I use the screen on the MED setting (medium brightness) most of the time, I guess that will decrease the likelihood of burn-in. The MED and even LOW settings are bright enough to work in daylight (not direct sunlight) and I mostly use it in the evening anyway.


Is this typical for OLED screens?

Because almost all of the iMac’s and Apple cinema displays I’ve used during the last 15 years had screen burn-in - image persistence after about a year of use. I kind of accepted it. It’s a problem when you’re doing graphical work, but for audio editing it’s fine.

Not trying to minimize this issue on the Elektron’s, but perhaps it is normal? I don’t know anything about display technology

Burn-in is indeed normal for OLED displays.

Has anyone had their screens replaced for free for this?

Those diagonal lines are just a rolling shutter artifact, not something the screen is actually doing, right?


edit: ps i reached out to elektron ( i’ve been meaning too for far too long, but life is busy and the wife / kids left for a few days and now i’m earnestly getting to these things :slight_smile: ) and if you’re having the same issues, i highly highly recommend you check your purchase date and see if you’re still within’ your warranty (3yrs since purchase date) as they will not repair for free unless you are.

otherwise, it’s $50 per 30min of labor to fix as well as having to pay for shipping.

mine was accepted for repair, but i’m now wondering if i shouldn’t just take them on their offer of sending me a new screen instead. wonder how hard it would be to replace myself :thinking:

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