Remember finding a web page a month ago or so that was this huge web of octatrack resources (videos, tutorials, etc). Not sure if this is enough info to go on, but I have not been able to find it again after much search. Does anybody know what I am talking about/ could link me up please?
Yes I think I know what you’re talking about. I have it all printed off so the URL should be shown. It’s late here so 'Ill take a look tomorrow and post the link.
It was an interactive website/ web thing. So you could move around with your mouse and see all this cool octatrack stuff. Don’t think it would have been a printable thing.
Are you talking about this site?
Yes! Thank you so much!
LOL, welcome! I liked that site when I first saw it, and booked it.
Mark Mosher did that. He is a buddy of mine. Very smart guy. Runs the boulder Colorado synth group. Very awesome guy.
Thanks for the link!!
and to the creator…first of all! =)
How is it possible to be updated?
It should link to Skab’s Octatips series too ! =)
Oh yeah, I remember now, he came over to E-U to present his MindMap site…very cool of him to do that! Benn looking at XMind software for work, since that time!
Thanks Poonti for posting link. Thanks Derek for the shout out.
I created the map in question and just updated with videos from Secrect Music UK. I’ll add Octatips videos this weekend.
Another Octatrack mindmap you might have missed is “Octatrack LFO Destinations”
I have quite a few music production mindmaps on my mindmeister public channel here (stuff like What’s New in Live 9, Blofeld 411, Synths with Comb Filterss…)
I also run the blog Modulate This! and my Octatrack related posts are in this category:
More to come :^)
Mark Mosher
Electronic Musician | Composer | Sound Designer | Performer
Boulder, CO
Here’s a list of tips & tutorials I’ve been keeping:
Skab’s Octatips:
Catabolicdj & others:
The Static Void:
Elektron-Users ‘Random OT Tips’
Merlin’s ‘Some Thoughts on Elektron’s Octatrack’:
Didjeko’s ‘OT Buttons Combinations’
Two threads at Muffwiggler:
Awesome list.
Re: this thread, here’s another list of new video tutorials:
Thanks. I’ll add these soon.
Thank you!!
Cheers for the links. Three items have the same URL.
@ mark mosher
Thanks for the map . There is a PDF (Merlin’s guide, I think) which Demi_Jon should be able to link to. Should be a good addition to the map.