Octatrack resolutions... What habits do you wish you followed?

That is so true. We all know it, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to live by. But it is the greater reward, if you can manage.

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Indeed. It’s a loose “resolution” - bound to be broken with hopes of meeting the pitfalls with grace for myself

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Standalone OT DJ Setup

Another one. I gotta read the Pattern # on the display more.

I have an awful habit of pressing Bank and then Pattern, or sometimes just the Pattern button, to see where I am at.
All the while “A13” is staring me right in the face, using up precious screen real estate.

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For me two things first come to mind:

I’m always intrigued by the idea of using Parts to switch between, when staying in the same pattern/track, to use as a change in dynamics for example. Never come around to that… Curious if it’s worthwhile to force myself to learn that habit or not perse (to each their own ey). Until now a Parts change always also goes hand in hand with a Pttn change.

Second, I’ve had some great fun with plocking certain LFO parameters in conjunction with scale settings. To come up with partly written/controlled melodies and partly generative/shifting elements. Also this used via midi on other gear. Should revisit that again I feel.


This is what I was going to say too. Maybe I’ll finish a song one of these decades.

I found that it really was not as daunting as I had imagined. I found it helped to have some scratch paper nearby to make note of how you want to tweak the arrangement. Otherwise, go for it!

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Learn it in and out to figure out “my” workflow and not look at prices of Anniversary Editions so I don’t get tempted to sell.

The thing about the OT arranger, is that it is the last thing on the list for most people to learn, because I think it looks super complicated and hard to learn…But, in reality (to me at least) it is anything but. Reminds me of Fruityloops in 1998 on steroids. It’s such a cool interface…And, yes it’s last thing I do on a track, if I use it.
Use arranger!!!


another one,
Since I don’t use different trig modes much while performing and prefer to stay in tracks mode, I need to just use the Mixer page as a momentary quick mute option.
I always forget that it can be used that way, and is a lot quicker to get in and out of if all I want to do is one handed mutes.


Have you tried selecting quick mutes while in midi mode?

Then audio pages have tracks mode, midi pages have quick mutes. Flick between them by hitting the midi button. Very quick, very simple.


My OT resolution that I want to get better at:
Never leave into Space with the OT without having a towel readily available…

Oooh, I like that. That way I can still see my scene assignments and current bank+pattern, which are lost in the Mixer. Thanks!

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