Octatrack output to Studio Monitors no mixer...bad idea?

I am getting ready to start traveling around with as little belongings as possible…That being said, I am contemplating putting my 4 track mixer in storage and running my Octatrack output directly to my studio monitors…I use studio mode, so I could put a compressor on the master track…Anyone see a problem with this ? I don’t really want to ruin my monitors

Shouldn’t see why not. As long as your speakers are powered. I run my OT main straight through my interface to my monitors (you can run it without the computer).

I used to plug my Octatrack in my computer soundcard but I tried once to plug it directly in my monitor (Adam A5X) and it sounded sooo much better than in the soundcard.
So no problem, except you won’t want to do it any other way after trying that. :wink:

(And I didn’t even used the 8th track as a mastertrack)