Octatrack OS 1.40: bug reports

The problem persists from project to project, here’s another video showing it happen again. It seems to happen only if you press stop and play really rapidly to switch from pattern to pattern.


No, the patterns autosave the setting given to them when they are adjusted.

When I try to save a selection as sample from the pickup machine, the sample will result in a zero length file (that’s what it says, when you want to load it into a flex machine: error zero-len).

Workaround: save sample and assign to self. Then it works also from within the pickup machine.

Sorry for my assumption :slight_smile:

No problems with any of my THRU tracks on existing projects, or when using a fresh project…

What happens if you p-lock your volume on the activation trig?

Yeah guys you are right. I was pushing function+up instead of MIDI+UP.
All good, sorry for the fuss!!!


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Can confirm! Replicated on MKI:

  • New project
  • Tempo per pattern: A01 = 120 bpm, A02 = 60 bpm
  • Sequencer running on A01, switch to A02
  • Before the sequencer reaches the end of A01, press stop to immediately switch pattern
  • Press play on A02, sequencer runs at 120 bpm



The strange thing is that I only have to move change the volume once, then it works like normal, but when I make a new pattern (either from new bank or part) I have to jiggle that volume just to get any sound on the thru tracks less strange really

I’m finding that in MIDI CHORMATIC mode , trigs 1 , 5 , 7 , 8 will not trigger any sounds to my sound module. Anybody else finding this ?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: OT TRig Conditions (TRC) thread

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Noob Q:Blinking track LED?

So has anyone found that removing the bin file from the card after update solves their glitches? Does it need to be there? Seems like a simple solution, anyway.

No, it doesn’t need to be there, but it shouldn’t hurt either. It’s just a file on the CF card and until you trigger an OS upgrade manually it shouldn’t be touched by the device (unless there is some hidden and undocumented mechanism).


Well, I’m not an extensive or deeply versed user of the OT at this point. So far I have only had a minor issue with triggering my external synth via the trig keys over midi. Notes seem to be hanging and then pressing or tapping the same key twice really quick seems to resolve it, but I never had it happen like it seems to be now more frequent.

EDIT: I get it now and can reproduce it.

The tempo indicator changes, but the next pattern will retain the previous one’s BPM.

Can anyone confirm that time stretch is not working correctly on slices?

I have a bass loop sample with some staccato and some sustained notes, I slice it accordingly that each not has its own slice, so some of the slices are fairly short and others are longer, when I turn on time stretch and set rate low only the longer slices are affected, shorter slices do not slow down, until the value of rate is negative which, as expected causes reverse playback - but without speed change on the shorter notes again.

Can any of you guys test please?

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Short slices? Even with previous OS versions, it depends on their length. If they are below around 6150 samples or something, no timestretch…
Same for short samples…
Unless it changed…

Edit : 6143 for Audio Editor fans!


Oh, never noticed it before but I guess they must be shorter than 6143 samples, thanks for the link to that thread, seems consistent with the results I was getting, I will check what length the affected slices are but I reckon it is this.

Seems like a bug doesn’t it?

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Maybe. I’ll still consider it as a limit untill it will be solved! :content:


This sounds like they use an internal buffer of 6k samples (= 6144) to do the transformations. If it can’t be filled at least once => no timestretch.