Octatrack or Digitakt?

I have and ARII and an A4II (absolutely lovely pair) and I was looking at either the DT or OT as a sampler and brain for controlling external gear.

In a DT setup I could use OB to record all three boxes to the computer and then use a DAW to mangle and assemble.

Or I could get an OT and do the majority of the mangling and assembling in the OT or record audio into my DAW from all three, possibly 2 track too.

Here is the question: If I’m using the DT or OT, which box gives me better control (and sync) over external midi gear?

I thought I read that the OT has CC control whereas the DT does not. I’m already familiar with the DT’s pattern chaining limitations and the way the chords work on both.

Am I just fearing the OT or will the DT do just fine?

Model Samples! :content:
Make a little search, big thread about it. :wink:

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LOL thanks @sezare56. Just did a search on your name and the same subject and found some great info. Thanks for your answer.

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Do a little dance,

Get down tonight… get down tonight…

Make a little love,

Do a little search…

Get Octatrack… Get octatrack…


Octatrack. Octatrack. Wait, what happened?

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I say go OT. The DT won’t bring much more to the table than your Rytm already does. The OT will be a lot more useful for what it sounds like you want to do. Only annoying thing is recording tracks one (or two if you use cue) at a time.


:heavy_plus_sign: :one:


If you’re just producing, I could see how the DT/Overbridge combo might be advantageous, especially if you’re planning on polishing up in the DAW. However, if you plan to do any live performance at all, OT is the one. Plus, all those extra midi LFO’s could come in pretty handy. The OT really expands the capabilities of any external gear that accepts CCs.


Yep. (Except midi tracks, sending other midi messages than notes, plockable)
Appart from Program Change limitations and lack of Probability, OT midi tracks are better with their arp, lfos…

You can record 8 stereo tracks internally. :pl:


As soon as you understand the sampling workflow on the OT (aka find YOUR way to sample), OT as. DT “replacement” is way easier than all the “learning curve” discussions let you think. I have my OT since Friday, spend at max 10 minutes in the manual and have a blast using it. Sure I don’t use tons of features the OT might bring to the table, but I have drums, I have MIDI sequencing my ext. Gear, samples of ext. Gear and tons of fun with the performance features since Saturday morning…
If you can afford it, go OT!



So if you use a one shot record trig, set length to infinity, you record one big take of the track? How long can this go? How many minutes could you record 8 tracks internally until buffer is full?

Only if you have the space!


That’s not even a question. OT of course!

Infinity. :content:
I don’t fill my Flex slots so I usually record my jams only internally (MAIN). Without FLEX samples, max recording time is 8m28s (16 bit), 1m03s for 8 tracks.

Of course it’s limited for 8 tracks at a time, but totally feasible for 1 (or more) 64 steps pattern for instance.

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Can you elaborate, please?

Prog Changes sent by SYNC page work similarly.

Concerning midi Tracks
With DT you can plock Prog Changes.
With OT you CAN’T plock them, only one per track and per pattern, sent a the beginning of the pattern.
Worst for me : You need to change part to send a different one!(4 parts per bank).


Or use another empty MIDI Track.

:thinking: Not that simple. Correct me if I’m wrong but IIRC with tracks with the same midi channel the track with lowest number has priority. You have to mute it to send the other track PC. Not practical AT ALL!

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I’ll do my research on that or just test it. I’m in the stage of Pros and Cons about using OT as my Main Sequencer.

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