Octatrack OP1 sync tape problem

Hy Guys, I want to take a small portable synth to busk, its gonna be probably either digitone or Op1.

I ve been reading about the issues the Op1 tape engine sometimes brings.

Is there anyone that can explain me in detail what happens? because I ve read also they are a wonderful combo, I d like not to sample the Op1 but rather play it either as module from OT or playing back melodic tapes on the Op1 with OT playing Rhythms, what happens if I switch Parts or work with arranger ? do they stay in sync? did someone use them like this?


Sync to OP-1 is uneasy: you would need a USB hub or a computer.
MIDI implementation is very limited.
It’s not multitimbral either.

Check Micromonsta 2 for a small portable synth, with good sound, sufficient polyphony, bitimbrality and very decent FX. And price :wink:


i didn t know this, wow!!! yet the op1 sounds really nice, I m looking for this retro a bit mysterious sound, I ll definetely check the monsta out

i ve seen there is also model 2, any experience?

OP-1 synthesis is OK, but not that crazy. Unconventional, let’s say. A bit on the lofi side.
The OP-1 is really cool alone, you usually resample stuff over and over…
It’s less interesting with other synths IMO.

For the use you’re describing, I would definitely go for the MM2 : you would be able to plock the hell out of it, sequence two polyphonic sounds at the same time.

(Edit: I own both OP-1 and MM2 btw, and it’s the Micromonsta 2 I’m talking about)

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The MM2, as @LyingDalai says, is your best bet for this. I actually got one to act as my pad and bass synth in my DN/DT/OT setup. The MM2 sounds fantastic, and it frees up the 8 voices on the DN for leads and such. I think the MM2 may be one of my favorite purchases ever.

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thank you guys!!! really appreciate