Octatrack neighbor Newbie Question

Hi all,

Newbie question - I’ve looked but unsure of the answer.

Neighbor tracks = FX to previous tracks.

Neighbor amp page = does nothing, correct?

Trigs - only there for plocks of FX settings? or can they do something else?

Thanks - just unsure if the sequencer on neighbor tracks can be used for anything other than plocking FX settings.


Yes. It shouldn’t be displayed, as T8 in Master mode. Or make it active!


Another particularity : the Neighbor track doesn’t depend on its above track Level or Mute state, but depends on its VOL settings.
So you have to mute or set Level on Neighbor track.

You can use a Recorder + Flex as a Neighbor track (SRC3=T1-T8), allowing to use SRC/PLAYBACK and AMP page parameters.
Can be used as T8 Master neighbor track.

With SRC3 = CUE, you can even add feedback, sending this fx track to CUE…
Much crasier fx possible!


Thanks Sezare (Happy Bday btw!)

Strange on my machine (1.40) the Amp page displays on Neighbor tracks. Is there a setting to turn this off - so tempting to turn buttons (that do nothing)

And those other hints = mucho cool, thanks for that!


ps how weird about the Mute thing - would have never guessed that. Cheers!

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Thanks! :content:


I’d prefer to make AMP active, but it would require trigs as Thru machines.


I just realized that. That would be really awesome to have another layer of amp parameters on top of the rest.

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