Octatrack MK2: Track Selection Bug Troubleshooting

Hey everyone <3,

I’m dealing with a frustrating bug. For the past couple of days, almost every time I boot up my Octatrack MK2, it exhibits this strange behavior. I can’t select track 1, and when I press play, the PROJ menu opens. Additionally, TRIG 9 also opens the PROJ menu and selects track 1 (???). After a few minutes, this issue usually resolves itself, and everything starts working as expected. I have the latest software installed, and I’ve already removed all samples and formatted the CF card within the machine, not using any third-party software.

I came across a thread where someone experienced a similar behavior, attributing it to sticky or broken parts inside the track 1 button. However, I’m not convinced this is the issue because the button works fine for functions other than selecting a sample for the machine.

If anyone can offer assistance, I would greatly appreciate it <3.

Hi. I’d ask Elektron.
Can be buttons problem, a ribbon you’d have to replace correctly…

There is a test procedure :
Hold Func while powering on.

Press trig 1. See results, then test buttons…
There are specific leds for each button. Make a video with incriminated buttons.

hey <3,

Thanks for getting back to me xoxo. I’ve already put in a support ticket. I made a test video, everything looks good. Right now, the Octa’s up and running fine but usually, when I boot it up after it’s been off for a few hours, that’s when the issue pops up