Octatrack midi sequencer+slide?

I try since few hours :zonked: to make slide with the midi sequencer …
Usually like in any daw you just have to write longer note to have slide or not :

note 1 __________ note 1 _____
note 2 _________ (slide) note 2 _____ (not slide).

When i ty to play it free in chromatic mode it works, but when I record it in midi and then play it, no more slide…

(octatrack +Audioréalism bassline 2 in ableton)

I might be wrong as I don’t actually own an OT yet, but I was under the impression that note slides are impossible with the midi sequencer.

You might be able to fake it using two different midi tracks, set on the same midi channel. No idea if that’ll work though, just an idea.

I think you are right.Strange things it that it works when playing in chromatic mode…So no 303 style slide whith octatrack :disappointed:

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I know you need two tracks with the MD. But I am pretty sure the OT can pull it off. I could be wrong. I have not dug into the midi side of the OT much, yet.

Edit: The setting is in the ARP menu. From the manual:

LEG controls the legato of the arpeggiator. This setting will affect the note trigs of the track even if the MODE setting is set to OFF.

ON will play overlapping notes legato, releasing the old note after the new one. The NLEN setting adjusts the length of the notes when the arpeggiator is activated. If not activated the LEN setting will adjust the length of the notes.

OFF will send out a MIDI note off message before the start of each arpeggiated note.

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thanks StinkyBeat! I project to buy a xoxbox rack Tb303 emulation with no sequencer so good news it"s cheaper than xoxbox and I can use octa sequencer

I have read that section from the manual over and over in an attempt to get the legato function to work with the arp on. I guess I need it said another way…I do not understand.