Octatrack - MIDI CC via cross-fader?

So? :content:

Soon I will find out, give me some timeā€¦ Epic face palms take time to prepare for :slight_smile:

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As you succeded to send NRPN with OT, Iā€™m quite confident! :wink:

Well, first of all - CC1 on Ot is main volume. CC2 is mod wheel. I can control modulation amount if I twist know linked to CC2 but I canā€™t program scene while on MIDI page - if I press and hold Scene button and then try to turn knob that is mapped to CC2, nothing happens :frowning:

epic tears flowing down my cheeks!!

Scenes are for the Audio Tracks only

each to their own of course, but imho dedicating the Crossfader to this role seems like a waste of the functionality within the OT on the audio side

it might be more cost effective to buy a midi controller with a Crossfader and bring this into your setup than opting for a dedicated midi mapper

a cheap possible solution is to do it with an Arduino clone and code a specific use case; ideal if youā€™re handy with a solder iron and are inclined this way

Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re chasing the NRPN solution, Iā€™d imagine the P08 is just fine with control change message 1 - the NRPN messages are normally set up for the additional parameters that the normal quota of CC controllers cannot reach or for those which need 14bit resolution (which the modwheel certainly does not) - the OT will serve up 7bit pitch bend btw although the Crossfader wouldnā€™t make a good pitch wheel as it has no centring spring

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Check also @gugaā€™s Goliath to make midi ā€œscenesā€ control. It is made to control several midi messages with one knob, or CC48 OT crossfader messageā€¦


do you have any suggestions pleasE?


thanks everyone for suggestions

I mostly use the Event Processor Plus.
I also have RK002, IconnectMidi4+, Midipal, MEP4. Bomebox seems efficient too.

There are software solutions too, like Midi-Ox, IIRC.


can any of these run on batteries? I run out of sockets on my extension lead with so much gear :stuck_out_tongue:

not really - I have a nocturn but thatā€™s not class compliant (or DIN midi) or easy to find now, though itā€™d be cheap - have a look through here (below) or dare I say it, maybe investigate making your own with Arduino etc



Bomebox only needs around 150 mA ā€¦ so would be no problem to plug it into a battery pack and have fun for days.


Event Processor Plus and RK002 are midi alimented. OT can provide the power.

That box looks kool. Do I understand correctly - once I mapped CC48 on MIDI box, it would always map this to where I specify, so if I want to control audio tracks with cross-fader, I cant have my synth playing at the same time because CC48 will be sent out therefore mod wheel mapping will be triggered? What would be the solution? Take midi mapper out of chain? Disable CC send in OT settings?

With EPP you can use another CC message to disable it, or even add variables to change the mapping to another CC, instead of CC1.

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That sounds gr8. I had a look the website - is software they provide free?

Yes of course. You can already download it to check it.

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And how do you program it? Via USB?