Octatrack MIDI + Ableton Drum Racks = Powerful Drum Machine!

This is just what I’ve been looking for!! I’m just having trouble mapping my RYTM sounds into the Ableton drum rack. Any way to do this??

Could you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish?

I’d like to map each track on my RYTM to each of the slots in the drum rack. So when I play a sequence on the drum rack it will also play the sounds on the RYTM. I actually don’t really know if it’s possible to do this…

The 12 track sounds on the AR can be triggered by sending the lowest 12 MIDI notes (note numbers 0 to 11) to the AR. The sounds can also be triggered chromatically. See the section “MIDI NOTES” in the AR manual.


Thanks! I’ll check this out

Went back to this method of drum sequencing recently, after acquiring some new plugin licenses. Many with low/zero added latency that are making this method work out.

Have to say the Plugin Alliance plugins are ideal here. Very low latency and great sound, especially modeled transformer saturation.
Maag Eq2/4 bx_opto, and Lindell Channel shine the most.

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I do something very similar with the OP-Z, only I have a bunch of kicks on track 1, snares on track 2, etc, to fit how the OP-Z prefers things.

You can also map the OP-Z’s rotary controllers to parameters in Ableton, which will transfer step components into Ableton. This works really well with a Simpler, for slicing. Map the OP-Z’s P1 to pitch, filter to filter, etc.

Just had a blast setting my OT up to do this.

Not sure if I set it up the same way, maybe somebody can advise - I have all OT MIDI tracks on the same MIDI channel for the Ableton drum rack and using diff notes per OT Track to trigger the diff kit sounds.

I converted all my old NI Maschine Expansion kits into Ableton kits so it was great fun playing the same sequence on the OT and auditioning the zillion kits quickly in Ableton and then sampling some loops via the OT master track with the kits I liked.

I have saved this setup to Part 4 and renamed the Part LIVE11 for this kind of work. Only learnt today that you can name Parts despite it being in the menu!!