Octatrack Finger Drumming?

That’s cool, I just ordered the OT MKii. I love this forum.

One thing I like about the DT is the immediacy of having things like the filter/dist and effects sends automatically right in front.
Studying the OT, it looks like you have to assign everything. Does that slow you down?
I do like the idea of having more and different effects on the individual tracks though.

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I actually just started the process of pulling all my sounds and samples off the DT so I can bring them into the OT when it gets here.
Hoping for a relatively small gap in productivity.

I’d hold off on getting rid of the DT right away. I’ve got both and found there’s certain things about the DT that I think it does better than the OT. Its much more immediate, has a wider range for playing samples chromatically, plus that compressor is great. The two compliment eachother quite well as the ultimate sampler duo.