Octatrack, Digitone and computer


I am looking for ways to work with my dtn, octatrack and computer all in the same time in a live set context.

I write songs on my computer with Ableton and Bitwig and now I want to play them live with my dtn and octatrack mkII. The thing is I’ve never played my music live and I am scared because of all the options available to do so.

I just want to know what’s your way of doing live music with your Elektron machines and your computer. Do you use Orca ? Supercollider, ? Ableton ? Max ? Processing ? Or whatever ?
Do you even use a computer ?


got pretty much the same home setup, but i wanted to have as minimal gear at a live show to bring as possible, means less equipment to carry but also less equipment to worry about if something goes wrong. its a lot easier to trouble shoot one box rather than multiple. ended up exporting stems of my songs and programming them into my octatrack. what are you using the computer for? can you give the computers responsibilities to the octatrack or digitone?

I use my computer to do all the sound design things. I think it would be hard to don’t take it with me because I want to change the settings of my virtual instruments while the song is playing.
I use my digitone as a controller for my computer and I think my octatrack could be the main sequencer. Actually, my computer is used as an instrument more than a central piece for the live.

In this case then I would say that your proposed setup is potentially too complicated

Just do a set with the laptop and a controller (ie you use your digitone) if this is a requirement

Or, sample parts from your Ableton set and re-assemble them on the octatrack. It’s designed to be played in this context after all. Plus you wouldn’t need to haul the DN and your laptop with you, just the octa.

Basically just try and keep it as minimal as possible. The more things you include = the more things that could go wrong, so you’d really want to be focusing on playing just one thing, not three.


I used a linux laptop (i like linux mint for tha, renoise (as vst host because it’s light on ressources and has nice filters, fx) with a steinberg ur242. (bitwig would run too, but i like renoise too…).
I sequenced that with octatrack.
output from steinberg and digitone into octatrack.

its manageable and works fine.
if you go linux you wont sweat because online zwang and updates.

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