Octatrack 1.40

There’s a manual? I just hit buttons until I become frustrated and then sell it. Rinse and repeat


You should have heard me at 12:45 when my recording buffer kept disappearing.


Ok maybe I am just terrible at searching but I have tried and tried.

Trig preview, cool got it.

Trig conditional (already existed), cool got it.

Track probability? Did I miss something or is this not part of 1.40/1.40A?

no new probability features for OT

Digitakt got probability as a parameter (MS/MC style) in June 2020

Would be a good wishlist thread request, and there is a free encoder on the AMP page.


Ok then I miss read it. Thanks for the clarification!

The big one in this update for me anyhow is the trig modes.
you can have your samples/slices over a midi keyboard and lock them directly
by holding a trig and pressing the key… (or live record)
so much easier and faster than trying to find a slice or sample by turning encoders


Would love to see an updated Octatrack. And I mean not just the firmware, but an overhaul of the hardware CPU/RAM/Storage/Connections. Along with Overbridge support.

I realize that’s a very tall order for Elektron to tackle…but a person can dream.


So I completely forgot how to do tempo per pattern. I was at practice today and tried to do it and don’t remember lol. I click tempo, I see the option for PTN and don’t see a way to get to it! I’ve checked the manual and it just says “Added support for pattern-specific tempo.”

So how do I do it lol

EDIT: Found a video–it’s FUNC+Yes.


Actually, it is in the manual hidden in the deviously named section TEMPO MENU :crazy_face:
"Press [FUNC] + [YES] to switch between PROJECT and PATTERN tempo mode. "

Unfortunately, the TEMPO screen is so crammed full of information that the F and Y there might not be that obvious what they stand for :smiley:


I need some help on how to set it to play chords on chromatic mode with an external controller.

(I’m Using my Push 2, sending information form Ableton to Sub37 and then echo to OT MKI).


I managed to play each note separately with my Push, but no chords.

OT tracks are monophonic.
You can plays chords if each note is sent on a different midi channel. It requires midi processing (MAX, Retrokits RK002, MIDIPAL…)

I used RK002 here :


In case you mean midi chords it records 4 midi notes so chords can be played and recorded. But sample wise it is as sezare has described.

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Thank you very much!

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A MAX MSP script (I don’t use Ableton / Max).
(Notes On are played on different midi channels alternatively. Notes Off are sent on the same channel as Notes On. Same principle for DT, OT, MS, Volca Sample, or any multitimbral gear…)

thx! will try it later today

Just tried it, read the .txt and nothing is happening hahahaha, even did the troubleshooting.

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At least it’s not a virus! :content:
Can’t help!


Thx anyway, will have to wait to get the RK maybe

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trigger samples/audio tracks with external controller - velocity?