Octa & ableton

Hi Guys!

Sorry for the noob question. Is that normal my ableton cant see my octa? Is there any driver? I just want to sync the tempo on usb. Is that possible?

no that’s not possible.
USB on the OT is only for file transfer (mounting CF Card)


I too was surprised that you can’t send midi over USB. I guess that wasn’t an obvious thing then the OT was designed?

If you have midi din on one of your other synths you can use that as a midi interface for your computer.

The midi out on my audio interface is broken and I have been syncing my OT with the midi through of my Digitakt (which is connected via USB) and that works perfectly.


i have never done it, but i am pretty sure you can trigger/start octatrack with you’r ableton. if octatrac internal clock ‘‘slave’’ and you ableton is master, should be no problem to sync them and jam. but you are not going to see octatrack as a gear in ableton. if you want your ableton to trigger octatrack, you should take midi cable, plug in ‘‘midi out’’ on whatever interface you use and midi in in octatrack. if you have no interface with midi you can’t sync them.

P.s. don’t forget to change internal clock on octatrack on slave/receive or whatever it’s going to be called.

When you activate sync for a midi out port in Ableton Lives preferences, Live sends midi clock and also start/stop.
So when you set OT to receive clock and transport (Project Menu -> Midi -> Sync) pressing start in Live also starts OT.

Sequencer that can’t (de)activate midi clock and start/stop seperately will always start running when slaved to Live and you press play in Live…
On the OT you can choose, so if you only need clock sync, don’t activate transport on the OT.


Something like this is needed for the OT- https://www.iconnectivity.com/products/midi/mio
Thats what I use when I am using the OT