Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

Probaply toggling view steps 1-16 and 17-32. Basically like the page button.


Me either and I will most likely resist this one.

But I think back to my 18 year old self, dropping $479 on a DR-770. How much more I coulda done with just a Circuit Rhythm, the free and vast set of Reverb dot com drum samples, a stack of old records, and an Alesis MicroLimiter.

Tried to make something similar happen with the first Electribe ES-1 but 32khz sampling was a real buzz kill. It wasn’t till I dropped serious cash on an MPC2kXL and mixer and FX that I could approach doing what, surely the Circuit can do by itself.
Young folks on a budget are so lucky these days.


Totaly agree with that, screen is useless for sample triming i like the old school way. but my question is for sample management in the sd card, i can’t figure it without screen.

Might be 32 banks of 32 samples. Circuit is not about browsing for hours, but more about sketching a beat FAST.

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As others have said. SP style, sample per pad workflow with a real sequencer would be awesome!

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I wonder what the RAM is or if it can just stream from SD.
32x32 would be insane but even 8x32 is plenty for a project.

And if it can stream from SD you could extend that with chains.

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I’d have to imagine it’s streaming form SD just because it’s there. Unless it’s just a way to move samples to and from.

Most samplers with removal storage don’t stream from disk.

So we’ll have to wait and see.

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Most samplers stamped Akai. :wink:

Does the OT? I’ve also owned SP-404 and deluge, both I believe streamed for SD. Though I know that’s a small sample size.

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Yes, I was thinking of the secondary functions not just step sequencer (though that is handy). 32 regions of a sample slice perhaps, a second page of “grid FX” (whatever that might be), etc

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Sure. Also Blackbox IIRC.

The Circuit Rhythm looks great. I enjoyed the original circuit, so this one looks fun. No screen wouldn’t bother me for trimming samples, as I have owned the 202, 404sx, and still have the 303. I hope it is battery powered like the original circuit. And I hope it samples in stereo… Audio over USB, or a track render function, or some sort of Ableton export would be on my wishlist as well. Hopefully some resampling is on board. Oh, and recording samples when other tracks are playing back are high on my list. I have no idea why all samplers don’t have that feature.

I also have a Launchpad Pro mk3 that I enjoy. These Novation products aren’t necessarily the deepest, but I really connect with their screen-less interfaces. They are fun and immediate for me.
I am looking forward to seeing all the details on these when they are announced.

Yep. And Deluge, as mentioned.
But that’s just about where it stops.
You wont find it on any of the Roland or numerous Akai offerings… yet?

I’m just saying streaming from removable media is the exception, not the rule.


I know there are Novation People in these forums. One of y’all come give us something to chew on…

I bet things like this makes them anxious because they want to talk about their products but are bound by their employers to keep quiet until official announcements.

circuit blows, only beat machine I ever bought twice just to get rid of it twice… I was so offended by the awfulness of the circuit that I almost bought it a 3rd time just to piss myself off as punishment for buying it the first two times…

everything else Novation makes is class though

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I work for Novation. Everyone who comments here gets a free Circuit Rhythm.


Yep, pretty annoying when you get thrown out of the loop by such an integral process that requires you to stop the device. Makes me appreciate my OT even more.


Exactly. A total workflow killer. At the very least it is nice to be able play in and record an instrument live, when you can actually hear the other tracks it is going to go along with. Go figure?!?!


This side profile shot I found with some googling leads me to believe it is less likely to have room for internal battery power:


formfactor is on point!

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