Not feeling the mk2 design aesthetic

Exactly. Well said.


No not at all. Just saying, Like the OP is Just saying.



I was scared that mk2 will look as bad as they do on factory pictures and I was pleasantly surprised when I got my rytm mk2 and held it in my hands, the edges are real nice, when u hold it in ur hand it feels like solid peice of gear with its new slick design, the spacing between buttons is not too wide, having back lit buttons is pretty cool, my BIGGEST issue is that the function button and track button has been flipped and now my brain goes thru unnecessary confusion, why whould u do that? I am never giving up using my rytm mk1 setup as I have two of them linked together to make one 16 voice drum machine and I am never going away from that plus track button and function button are like the most used buttons in fact my first rytm has the labeling under the track button faded away from all the finger rubbing and it’s just lame having constantly remember that track button on mk1 is flipped on mk2 :*(
Also when I first got my rytm mk2 I probably spent 1 week using it without even touching the mk1 rytms but when I finaly jumped back on mk1s they felt so small and they actually felt more like prototypes as actual machines, and that’s when I realized where elektron was going with this and it all made sense why they wanted to stick to their old size for mk1 machines. Pretty much what I think is that if the mk1s came out looking different as machinedrum and monomachine it whould not be as accepted but since it was same size factor as old machines people took them into their hearts quicker and now that they had time to refine the design and make it more modern, high tech and just simply something new, they did just that.
my biggest hope now is that one day elektron will make machinedrum mk3 in same box as rytm mk2 :::]


Digidrum…Mark my words