Noob q #1: chromatic trig in grid recording mode

Since this week I am the proud owner of a AR & A4. I updated the OS, read the manual twice and unfortunately I still have some questions. I decided to post some of them, if they annoy me. Solutions must be close, I think… and I hope people would like to help me to find them.

Noob Question #1:

According to the manual (page 34), I can record the pitch value of a note trig when I am in Chromatic mode, and press the pad and trig. 1-16

unfortunately this doesn’t work for me. I think I tried everything, on the A4 a similar function works as expected… anyone an idea about what I can do wrong?

I can play the note ‘chromatic’ after adjusting the sound settings , but in grind record recording… No results

After 100 times trying, i found the solution… What i did was to press the pad. And them push the trig… But it has to be done the other way around… Hold the trig and then press the pad.

Yes that makes sense. I have been using the sound menu and parameter lock + tune to pitch the sounds but I will try this way with chromatic.

That’s what de wouzer said in August…?

Don’t mind me, I just can’t read.

Heh, okay :slight_smile: happens to me too. I was just wondering about this issue, myself, and wanted to clarify.