I can’t find how to undo an action… it’s not working as on the A4
In the user manual, the only times, they talk about undo or undone is with the ‘reload’ fonction… I don’t spend my time saving sounds or patterns…
Did I miss something ?
I can’t find how to undo an action… it’s not working as on the A4
In the user manual, the only times, they talk about undo or undone is with the ‘reload’ fonction… I don’t spend my time saving sounds or patterns…
Did I miss something ?
what is that you want to undo?
An accidental ‘clear pattern’ for exemple. On the AR I can’t undo this action as I can on the Analog 4…
mmm, you should be able to do it in the same way you do it on any Elektron’s i guess…
for instance, if you accidentally clear a pattern and want to undo…simply hold the function button and press the play button again (the LED on the rec button has to be off)
As a proud owner of an AR that made that mistake on clearing a pattern you are correct. The same way you cleared the pattern will undo your mistake, as with clearing a sound or track etc.
yes yes, I just tried and yes, today, it works… as on the other Elektrons I use.
thats great for patterns but there is more to undo while in the making music process imo.
i just deleted a scene, or working on a wrong pad/sample by mistake and not knowing what sample i had before or which settings for that pad/sample.
i think its good to have an undo function, specially for beginners who are in ‘test’ mode like myself.
then again in a couple of weeks i hope i dont need one but for now, yeah a few times i wish there was one
Undo is nice to have, but it doesn’t hurt to learn to save kits & patterns whenever you reach something particularily good sounding. Saving both kits and patterns is a snap once you memorize the button sequences. Reverting to saved states is a breeze too, and a good feature for live jamming <3
How i can save patterns like kits?
I know that i have 128 slots for the kits, but when going to save a pattern, it saves to the current Bank trig (EG: A-14).
To me seems that i can save pattern on the single trig and to recall it i’ve to select the bank and trig, i can’t do like with kits, like choosing from a list of 128.
It’s something that i miss?
Anyway didin’t knew about the undo functionality, just yesterday evening i did something that i liked, saved on kit and current pattern and then connected strom to make some tests. Forgot to go to another pattern (selecting by bank and trig) and i lost that pattern.
Kit was saved, but pattern, i remained on the previous without switching to another.
If there was a way to save patterns like kits, it would be better and easier.
Unfortunately AFAIK patterns cannot be saved as files. Only workaround I can think of is using copy/paste functions to “duplicate” patterns to for ex. another bank…
You can save patterns, and they are stored with the project I think.
You dont name them or anything, but they are saved. You can change them up, then “reload” the stored one.
A good read through the manual seems like it would be beneficial to some of the posters in this thread.
While Elektron manuals are far from stellar, they do cover this kind of basic operation in a clear and relatively organized manner.
I actually enjoy manuals lol, but yes data can be undone, duplicating patterns or saving them to your computer is the way to go too.
But yes + pattern or kit will instantly save so the state is available for reload.
This is my first Elektron , and being able to reload quickly is perfect for live performance.
how do you undo or delete a motion record?
different terminology for searches …
Thank you very much